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What is the word "aum":...."aum" is all that exists, does not exist and the creator bRH`m...
Last updated on February 1, 2005.

today's veD lesson:
the meaning of

" All the bRH`maaNDo (cosmic universes) is
the eternal word aum.

Its further explanation is this:
The past, the present, the future
 everything is just aum.

And whatever transcends
the three divisions of time
(past, present and future)
that too is just aum.

Thus the Word aum is
verily the aat`maa (soul).

He who knows this,
with his jiv

(the aat`maa which has entered the living body )

 enters the aat`maa"

From maanDuky upniSHD



The above has been copied from web site
with changed spellings of sNskRUt words (in italics) to conform to
sNskRUt phonetics (see explanation at the end of this page) and
 additional explanations in bracket to facilitate YOUR greater understanding:

Sanăthana Dharma Šăsthra
Hindu Heritage Study Program
An Educational Program for the Adults and Youth

(YOU can visit the web site for YOUR learning of veD by clicking above on the name of the web site in purple colour)





At Prajaapati Vishva Aashram Foundation (PVAF) entire humanity has a universal forum to share their knowledge about this creation called the universe and the life that is lived in this universe.

This knowledge is vital for the well-being and welfare of each individual human and also the human collective in the form of family, community, nation, race, organization, agency, government, religion, and its infinite sub-forms. These collectives of humans are further divided into distinct collectives of human activities. Thus the human collectives are infinite in number. But the bottom line for each human collective has three basic daily objectives:

  1. To create all that it needs;

  2. To sustain all that it creates;

  3. To continually re-create the creation and sustainance so that the collective perpetuates itself in time domain in different evolutionary names and forms.

In order to carry out these daily activities humans need knowledge about how this creation is created, sustained and continually recreated. Such knowledge comes through different mediums which are all  sciences of different kinds. All these sciences exist interactively as all the three life perpetuating daily activities have a unity of purpose - to perpetual creation and life.

PVAF presents this knowledge to empower each human to exist to its maximum potential and to harmoniously co-exist with the rest of the humanity and all creations without loosing one's distinct identity and purpose in life.

PVAF presents this knowledge in the form of TODAY'S veD LESSON. veD is a word in sNskRUt language which is the oldest known language on this planet earth and all the different languages seems to have roots in sNskRUt. veD means knowledge of sciences of creation and life.

These knowledge presentations are gathered from all available sources with only one purpose of dissemination: TO MAKE YOUR TOMORROW HAPPIER AND PROSPER THAN TODAY.....     


...the eternal knowledge of... 

has beginning.... middle....
 and end...

om bRH`myae nmH.....

veD is the knowledge of the entire creation. veD imparts to each and every creation how creation is created, how it is sustained after creation, the purpose of each creation, how each creation has to co-exist with all other creations and the grand scheme and meaning of this creation. In this process of imparting knowledge veD also subtly informs about our creator bRH`m and the bRH`m's relationship with all creations singly and collectively.

To get all knowledge through the study of veD is a monumental task ...which could not possibly be completed in one life a life time most of us can get only a degree in one field of science or arts or commerce or medicine or get all the knowledge of ved will take infinite years as the knowledge itself is infinite....

.....But then our creator bRH`m, knowing our limitation of the life cycles, has given us a small life manual in which the basics of creations, its processes, its relationships and its purpose are outlined in about 700 to 750 aphorism like messages of few words at a time......this manual of life is has been given a name "bhgvD giitaa"....Similarly for those who desire to have detailed knowledge veD has 14 major viD`yaa. A viD`yaa is a specific knowledge base similar to what we currently know as engineering, medicine, law, mathematics, astronomy, astrology, grammar......and all the vidyaa is in 4 veD, 6 veDNgaa, 108 upniSHD and 108 puraaANo......

....Prajaapati Vishva Aashram Foundation (PVAF) has a primary mandate to facilitate all humans to acquire knowledge per se...PVAF believes that studying any part of veD is a good start on this path to acquire let us pray that we study daily tt st...

At present on this planet earth we have various faith systems leading to a Creator...each faith systems has its own name and also a name for whatever it believes as a Creator....but surprisingly all faith systems have one message to all its follower...knowledge shall set you free....let us then get this knowledge....may the Creator bless us to walk on this path no matter how we stumble, fall or sometimes give up....but we are continually blessed by our Creator to have the strength and the means to get up once more and keep the pursuit of knowledge.... tt shaanti shaanti shaanti...



  • All the sNskrut words in the write-ups on this web site are in italics. The meaning of these sNskrut  words as transcribed in English language is being continually included in the Sanskrit Glossary on this web site....It is imperative to understand the full meanings of these sNskrut  words in order to understand the teachings of ved. So please make an effort to visit the Sanskrit Glossary...the kARm-fl will be eternal aanND (bliss).

  • The sNskrut t words are spelled as near as possible to the original sNskrut phonetics. Phonetic based spelling may seem to be different than normal usage but if the sNskrut words are not spelled and pronounced correctly the meanings could change drastically. An alphabet chart of such phonetics spellings is being developed at Prajaapati Vishva Aashram Foundation (PVAF) and will be shared here as soon as it is available. In the meantime think as a veDik bhaartiy (Indian) and veDik genetics of the humankind will let you pronounce the sanskrit words in here correctly.

If you have any questions or comments about this web site, send mail to Bhavin Mistry.    
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