...the eternal knowledge of...
....no beginning....
....no middle....
....no end...
om bRH`myae nmH.....
veD is the knowledge
of the entire creation. veD imparts
to each and every creation how creation is created, how it is sustained after
creation, the purpose of each creation, how each creation has to co-exist with
all other creations and the grand scheme and meaning of this creation. In this
process of imparting knowledge veD
also subtly informs about our creator bRH`m
and the bRH`m's relationship with
all creations singly and collectively.
To get all knowledge through the study of veD
is a monumental task ...which could not possibly be completed in one
life time...in a life time most of us can get only a degree in one field of
science or arts or commerce or medicine or engineering....to get all the
knowledge of ved will take infinite years as the knowledge itself is
.....But then our creator
bRH`m, knowing our limitation of the
life cycles, has given us a small life manual in which the basics of creations,
its processes, its relationships and its purpose are outlined in about 700 to
750 aphorism like messages of few words at a time......this manual of life is
has been given a name "bhgvD giitaa"....Similarly
for those who desire to have detailed knowledge veD
has 14 major viD`yaa. A viD`yaa
is a specific knowledge base similar to what we currently know as engineering,
medicine, law, mathematics, astronomy, astrology, grammar......and all the
vidyaa is in 4 veD, 6 veDNgaa,
108 upniSHD and 108
....Prajaapati Vishva Aashram
Foundation (PVAF) has a primary mandate to facilitate all humans to acquire
knowledge per se...PVAF believes that studying any part of veD
is a
good start on this path to acquire knowledge...so let us pray that we study
daily ...om tt st...
At present on this planet earth we have various faith systems
leading to a Creator...each faith systems has its own name and also a name for
whatever it believes as a Creator....but surprisingly all faith systems have one
message to all its follower...knowledge
shall set you free....let us then get this knowledge....may the
Creator bless us to walk on this path no matter how we stumble, fall or
sometimes give up....but we are continually blessed by our Creator
to have the
strength and the means to get up once more and keep walking....in the pursuit of
tt st........om shaanti shaanti