om bRH`myae nmH........
All the entities in creation from brahmaa-dev
(one of the primary god trinity of brahmaa-vishnu
and shiv) to
an atom is the manifestation of brhmah. brhmah is unmanifested. brhmah
through his shaktio (powers) of omniscience, omnipotence and
omnipresence pervades, animates, sustains all that is created. brhmah also
gives laya (dissolution back into the creator) to all created. laya
is the repeated cycles of birth and death or pralay at the end of 4.32
billion year creation cylce when everything is dissolves back into brahmaa-dev
or mahaa-pralay at the end of 3.11 trillion year creation
cycle when everything including brahmaa-dev is dissolved back into brhmah.....
The sustenance of all created is based on
DHARm. DHARm is the operating system which makes all
creations co-exist in harmony. DHARm operates conforming to the cosmic
and universal laws called ritt and is guided by satya
(truth). DHARm enables and empowers
all creations to coexist harmoniously and without injuring one another.
DHARm is like Microsoft operating system. No computer can
operate without an operating system; so is DHARm's role in creation.
brhmah safeguards DHARm continuously and eternally. This
safeguarding sometimes needs for brhmah to manifest directly in the form
of a creation....such manifestation is called an avtaar. brhmah
takes an avataar through visnu-dev whose function is to safeguard
when it is threatened to destruction....which could mean destruction of the
universe....aDHARm is
opposite of DHARm. aDHARm
destroys creation as creation looses harmonious co-existence and starts
hurting one another.
In shreemad bhagvad giitaa shree krishna-bhagvaan says to arjun in
slok 4.7 and 4.8:
“ Oh bhaarat (arjun)! Whenever
DHARm declines and
predominates then, I manifest
Myself for the protection of good and for the destruction of the wicked and for the firm re-establishment of
DHARm. I am born in yug after yug.”
According to above, brhmah, who is normally unmanifest, manifest itself on this earth as an
avataar (incarnation) of vishnu-dev. brhmah takes an avataar when
aDHARmik activities by creations including humans reach a point where it is about to destroy
DHARm and harm or destroy the creation in turn. brhmah knows
when to take an avataar as brhmah is omnipresent, omniscient and
omnipotent. However, usually so many in creation, including devo and
request brhmah's help through vishnu-dev to either preserve or
maintain or re-establish DHARm in the
universe. This help is rendered through three manifestations of vishnu-dev:
- avataar which has full shktio
of vishnu-dev;
- aavesh-avataar which has shktio
(powers) of vishnu-dev for a limited time;
- ansh-avataar which have partial
shktio of vishnu-dev.
In the present 4-yug
veDik time cycle of creation lasting 4.32 million years there has
already been nine principal avataar of
vishnu-dev. The tenth principal avataar of vishnu-dev is forecast towards the end of the present
The 9 avataar of vishnu in the order they were manifested are as follows. The
10th avataar forecast is alos listed:
matsya-avataar (avataar
in the form of fish to save mnu from universal flood)
kurma-avtaar (avataar
in the form of tortoise to regain the status lost by devo
from asuraao)
(avataar in the form of boar to kill asuraa
hirANyaaKSH who was hiding pRuthvi in the ocean)
narsinh-avataar (avataar
in the form of half man and half lion to save vishnu-bhkt prHlaaD
from being killed by his father the asuraa king
vaaman-avataar (avataar
in the form of a human bRaaHmAN midget to expel asuraa
king baali to paatal so that devo could get
back the control of their status and domain)
(avataar in the form of a human bRaaHmAN to
control KSHTRiy vARAN in pRuthvi-lok who were becoming
raam-avataar (avataar
in the form of a human KSHTRiy king to kill asuraa
king raavan who was ruling with
aDHARm and terror all the 3-lok)
krishna-avataar (avataar
in the form of a human to lessen the burden of over-population of
aDHaaARmik people in
buddha-avataar ((avataar
in the form of a human Prince
siddhartha gautam to safely remove people who were going against veD
from affecting others) and
kalki-avtaar (
(avataar in the form of a human who will kill all
aDHARmik peoples in
pRuthvi-lok who would become a majority at the end of the present
kli-yug and to enable DHARmik
peoples to establish DHARm in
the following sty-yug)
There are several other secondary avataar of
vishnu-dev = brhmah
- some of which are:
four sanant kumar who are mind born sons of brahmaa-dev,
naarad-muni who is mind born son of
nar and naaraayan as muni and
born as a brhmah's blessing to rishi markandey,
kapilaa-muni as a philosopher of gnan (knowledge) and bhakti,
dattaatrey-muni as the son of one of the
first created sapta-rushi aatri,
yagna who replaced indra-dev for a time period,
rsabha-dev raajaa who was a teacher who demonstrated and defined the meaning of
bhakti and tapas to humans who are in gruhastha a ashram.
gruhastha aashram is one of the 4 periods in a human's life from the time one finishes studies
and gets married to the time one finishes raising children -about 50 years
old. The other three life aashram are: brahma-chaarya-aashram from
birth to finish of studies; vanaspar-aashram from the end of gruhastha-aashram
when one gives of all the obligations and duties of gruhastha-aashram
to one's sons; and sanyaasi-aashram from the end of vanaspar-aashram
to one dies during which one devotes time to bhakti and tapas
and teaches others about ved and life.
raajaa who showed how a king could mix
bhakti and kingship to the benefit of all. prathu
was also the first human and a king to organize a country into villages and towns,
dhanvantari who was born out of the churning
of kshir-saagar (celestial ocean of milk) during vishnu's 2nd avataar
as kurma (tortoise). dhanvantari was the proto-physician who gave humans the science of medicine for the first time,
mohini-murit, the only female avataar manifested to retrieve
by seduction the amrut (nectar of immortality) from the asuraao during
vishnu's 2nd avataar as kurma,
vyaas-muni who split ved into 4 parts for the humans from
shruti and with ganesh-daadaa as his scribe and was the author of purano and
bal-raam who was the brother of
shree krishna-bhagvaan
- which was the 8th avataar of vishnu-dev.
In the present 4-yug creation cycle, the end of present kali-yug, which is the last of the
yug in this
(a cycle of four yugo) is some 429,000 years away. The universe is in the
year of kali-yug in 2003 AD. kali-yug is the time span according to ved when
DHARm has only one foot out of normal four to stand on and has thus reached its lowest
strength. In the first of the four-yug in a mahaa-yug, which is
satva-yug DHARm has four feet which means
aDHARm is at its full strength and humans live by
DHARm only. In the following
DHARm stands on three feet meaning,
due to lessening strength of DHARm humans are becoming
less DHaaARmik than in
satya-yug. In the following dvaapara-yug,
rests only on two feet, which means humans are living less and less by
and more and more by aDHARm. In kali-yug the humans live mainly by
aDHARm. The definition of living by
aDHARm in kali-yug was predicted in
vishnu puraan and the life style of
aDHARm was described as follows:
“kali-yug is the age when society reaches a stage where
property gives rank and position of eminence to humans;
possession of wealth becomes the only means of being sad-gun
(virtuous) and performing sad-karma (virtuous deeds);
kaam (passion in the form of lust) is the only bond of union between husband and
a-satya (non-truth) the only means of success in life;
kaam (in the form of sex) the only means of enjoyment; and
when outer physicality of life is confused with inner spirituality based
on DHARm. "
We can see that the above is just about true everywhere in the materialistic world.
vishnu puran was compiled by vyaas-muni in dvaapar-yug.
The ten avataaro of vishnu-dev are described in detail in shreemad
bhagvatam. shreemad bhagvatam is also called bhaagvat puraan.
bhagvat puraan expounds some of the six schools interpreting ved
philosophy such as samkya, yog, vedanata, etc. bhagvat
puraan brings together the concepts of gnaan (knowledge) and bhakti
(devotion) to brhmah in order to know one's aatmaa through self-knowledge.
This in turn leads to the knowledge of brhmah and moksh (liberation
from saMsaar). bhagvat puraan also contains in the eleventh canto entitled
uddhava giitaa which is the last message of shree krishna given to his friend and attendant
uddhava on the day of his departure from human form in the 9th
avataar of
vishnu-dev. uddhava giitaa simplifies a the essence of ved
and dharma preached by shree krishna to arjun in shreemad
bhagvad giitaa.
Celebration of vishnu-dev's
dash-avataar is an all year round, life time and life to life
affair of "Hindus" in bhaarat
(India). The word "Hindu" has no meaning in sanskrit
language or veD. But the world of
this planet earth outside India one knows a "Hindu" as a bhaaratiya
(Indian) who has a "religion" comparable to Christianity or Muslim or
buddhism or Judaism or so many other "religions" of the planet earth
and who does not eat meat and believes in innumerable gods and goddesses and
worships all kinds of animals including cows, all kinds of trees and plants and
all kinds of inanimate things. Well, the truth about the words
"religion" and about "Hindu" can be understood by the knowledge
of veD.........
These celebrations of dash avataar and other
"religious" celebrations of "Hindus" are to remind
"Hindus" of
brhmah, the creator of the universes. brhmah has infinite manifestations
of brhmah-self in
the form of the universes we know and do not know. We have been given various
naam (name) and ruup (form) to brhmah's manifestations in the form of
creation we see and do not see. nmH our guru bRH`m.... tat shaanti shaanti shaanti......
(This shastra-GNaan has been compiled by SRii
chmpklaal Daajibhaai miisTRii from the gnaan
left for the benefit of humanity by many rushio, munio and GNaanio
in the naam (name) and ruup (form) of our creator, bRH`m
in the form of shruti and smruti of veD knowledge left on
this planet earth for all humankind. The mission of this
presentation is the
continual development of ved offerings through Prajaapati Vishva
Aashram Foundation on this web site as GNaan -daan.)
Posted: September, 2002