From Hinduism Today: NEW DELHI, INDIA,
March 27, 2005:
Till now it was believed that the number of
ancient texts and treaties lying neglected and unseen across the country was
one to two million. But officials at the National Mission for Manuscripts
were taken aback when they launched a survey. They found a staggering
five million manuscripts after their pilot survey in three states,
making India the largest storehouse of the "records of yore" in the world.
And the count is not the final tally, says Mrs Sudha Gopalakrishnan, the
director of the mission. Seven hundred thousands of these are from only
three states -- Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Orissa -- where the mission surveys
were held.
The interesting volumes they came across
include a voluminous copy of the Mahabharata weighing a quintal (100 kilos!)
and a meter-long copy of the Quran.
The mission, established in 2003 by the Centre under the ministry of culture
to take care of the untended manuscripts across the country, now plans to
embark on a hunt for ancient texts in other states like Rajasthan and
Gujarat. Last year's search in the three states -- 30 districts of Orissa,
13 districts of Uttar Pradesh and 10 districts of Bihar -- was carried out
through a well-defined strategy involving around 2,700 people.
Archaeologists from countries like China and
Thailand had visited India a few years ago. Their report contain no hints
about such an abundance of hidden manuscripts in India. "We involved
students and teachers in our drive to find the olden texts. They then
searched the villages in the districts -- their libraries, temples,
monasteries and madarsas -- for texts," says Ms Gitanjali, coordinator of
the survey.
In Orissa itself around 17,857 manuscripts, most of them texts of tantra,
were found. In Unnao in UP about 25,000 manuscripts surfaced. The total of
five million in the mission's estimate also includes manuscripts that are
digitized and documented such as the 500 manuscripts of the 6,000 stored at
the Iqbal Library in Srinagar and 85 manuscripts of 1,000 Kudiyattam
manuscripts from Kerala. According to the honorary secretary of Bhandarkar
Oriental Research Institute, Pune, Mrs Saroj V. Bhate, the institute is
planning to coach around 30 people in indigenous methods of conservation.
The Mission has also identified 3,500
manuscripts from the Orissa State Museum, 4,000 Vaishnavite manuscripts from
Majuli Islands in Assam and 6,500 manuscripts from Tamil Nadu about Siddha
stream of medicine, digitalization of which began from January 15 this year,
according to a report prepared by the mission.
Yet another project of the mission is the
preservation of manuscripts with natural agents, in keeping with the
climatic conditions of the areas.
(By SRii Champaklal Dajibhai Mistry)
In the study of veD
one finds the mention of bhaart-vARsh
as lands in the domain called
pRUthvii-lok. In the universe of which this humanity has been
made aware of in the existing veDik texts there are
14-lok or domains where creations exist.
The on-land archeological excavations which only started
in the last century in bhaart (India) and some of the recent off-shore
archeological investigations off the coast of bhaart indicate that a highly
evolved science based civilization existed even beyond 5 000 to 10,000 years
in the lands now called bhaart (India) and Pakistan. And even this dating of
history keeps on getting back pushed in history as archeological
investigations continue.
When one sees the commonality of the names of places,
mountains, rivers, peoples in the lands of bhaart to the
veDik texts then one realizes
that there has to be some relationship of history of creation in
veDik texts and the
history being discovered in bhaart lands.
The history of creation in
veDik texts of puraaANo
talks of creation history being repeated in cycles with about 28 to 35
changes in a veDik creation cycle called klp.
A klp is 4.32 billion years and
is followed by a klp 4.32 billion
years when all that was previously created is absorbed back in the Creator
and stays quiescent till the start of the next klp when all previously
created starts being created once again with about 28 to 35 changes. And
this klp cycle
is eternal.
In each klp cylce
there are 1000 4-yug
cycles of 4.32 million years each. In each of the
4-yug cycle creation starts and
lives with full compliance to the sciences, rules and regulations of
veD and
DHARm which provides for just and fair lifestyle based on
Truth. But living by veD
and DHARm keeps on diminishing
and living by unjust, unfair and unTruth lifestyle keeps on increasing as
the 4-yug cycle
progresses to its end. veD is the
sum of total of all knowledge that is required to create everything and make
it operational in this universe. DHARm
is the universal rules and regulations by which all creation must live and
operate for co-sustenance and harmonious co-existence. No creation can exist
or sustain by itself.
Presently we are living in the
end-yug called kli-yug
of the present 4-yug cylce.
And one can see the progressively deteriorating lifestyle based on daily
unjust, unfair and unTruth lifestyle. The governments, corporations, social
organizations and individuals are affected by this deteriorating lifestyle
which can be called an un-Vedik lifestyle
meaning life style not based on the sciences, rules and
regulations of veD and
The time span of end stage of f the present
4-yug cylce is 432,000 years and
we are in the 5017th year. The coming years are going to be more
un-VeDik....scary for
those 25 percent (as per veDik texts)
who still believe in living veDik
lifestyle presently.
May be the continuing archeological and history knowledge
that is being continuously discovered will help the humanity that its
existence is as old as each klp
and stretching over as many klp
as are made known in veD texts
....humanity did not evolve from apes or microbes or some biological
soup...humanity is humanity with its own specific and dedicated purpose in
the grand scheme of entire creations from each atomic particle to what is
seen and not seen...and these manuscripts being discovered is a way to
believe this TRUTH if the humanity can decipher the language of these
manuscripts - especially the sNskRUt language
which means the LANGUAGE OF THE GODS...but along the way
the humanity has to understand what GOD(S) means...
And to understand the TRUTH in the preceding
paragraph is the primary mandate of PVAF
and all its programs including this PVAF web site....Visit
all the pages and you will certainly sense that this TRUTH and then
living by the veDik TRUTH
empowers YOU TO
HAVE A HAPPIER TOMORROW THAN TODAY...simply because YOU have slightly
by visiting all the pages on PVAF web site
and continuing your study of TRUTH on daily basis.....