BHgvD giitaa
Today is another milestone for this PVAF web site....
today YOU can access the sNskRUt version of the
BHgvD giitaa on-line on this
web site..At PVAF we all consider this as a
mHaa-BHaag`y (great fortune) as all the
quick answers to each of our everyday life problem is somewhere in the
700 slok contained in
BHgvD giitaa .
The on-line feature means YOU access the text chapter by
chapter from anywhere in the world at any time...there would not be excuse
for YOU that you have lost your copy so far YOU can access internet....
As we all know quick answers to our life problems are
generally a quick-fix temporary solutions...just like you take an aspirin to
control your pain till you see your doctor who would try to find the
of your pain and the TRUE cause of your pain for a permanent solution for
your pain-free life....
The quick answers in BHgvD giitaa has to be fully
understood through the daily study of veD.....veD is the total
CREATION AND LIFE which explains
- how every creation is born with its own unique design
for its functions to be performed in its life-term;
- how every creation has to be provided with sustenance
and maintenance so that it can function as per its design to do what the
design was meant to do; and
- how every creation has to be re-born to continue its
master travel plan of infinite life-terms to recieve the
kARm-fl of all
its kARm performed in previous life-terms to any point in its master
travel plan. (kARm-fl is the result of a
kARm which could either produce
happiness or cause pain to others. One receives a
kARm-fl exactly as one
effected others with one's own kARm).
The online version is in sNskRUt language. English
translation is being prepared and will be posted for on-line reference as
the translation will be completed. A glossary for the
sNskRUt words and
terms will also be presented for all the veDik words, terms and concepts
which cannot be translated into English language as the English speaking
civilization only lives a partial veDik lifestyle.
viSH`ANu BHgvaan
(shown in the photo) took the 8th avtaar of
SRii kRUSH`AN to empower the humankind to
preserve its DHARm and
veDik way of life by getting rid
of some 1.7 billion peoples in pRUTHvi-lok
who were terrorizing the general populations with their
un-veDik and
aDHARmik way of life....This
clean-up happened in the 18-day mHaaBHaart
war which happened about 5000 years ago. It was at the first day
of this 18-day mHaaBHaart war
that the knowledge of BHgvD giitaa
was given to aARjun the hero of
the mHaaBHaart war by
SRii kruSH`AN. This knowledge
was in the form of an advice to aARjun
to awaken him to uphold is his own DHARm
and fight the war when aARjun was
confused about fighting the war in which he would have to kill his own blood
relatives, elders, guru and others who did not have fight with him.
sNskRUt question and answer session between
and aARjun in their
sNskRUt language which is the
language of the gods and the oldest language existing on this planet earth
by going to the VEDA page
by clicking on the menu bar on top of this page and then going through each
of the 18 chapters of BHgvD giitaa
posted under the category of
VEDA ARTICLES and in the
section titled
BHAGAVAD GITAA....OR for direct access just click on the line below
which will take you into the first chapter