Newton's laws used to rule. Then, 100 years ago next week, an unassuming
patent clerk named Einstein wrote a physics paper that revolutionized the
way we think about the universe. Eventually, it also turned the old man with
the wild hair into a superstar scientist and a living icon.
Here is what humans think of Einstein:
- "The reason the world is the way it is today is because of Einstein.
In 1905 Einstein wrote down a few equations, described a few simple
that changed the world forever. The paper overthrew Newton's view of absolute space and time, replacing it
with a more flexible -- and deeply counterintuitive -- framework." says
astrophysicist Michael Shara of the Museum of Natural History in New York.
"He really revolutionized the way we think about the universe
around us, He showed that the universe is much more complex and
sophisticated than we ever thought it was. Our understanding of the cosmos, from the smallest quark to the most distant
quasar, is shaped by Einstein's insights, and many of the great
break-throughs of the past hundred years -- the computer revolution, nuclear
power, lasers, space travel, GPS systems -- owe a debt to his creative genius."
says Clifford Will, a physicist at Washington University in St. Louis.
One of Einstein's great gifts was the ability to conduct "thought
experiments," conjuring up simple mental pictures allowing him to visualize
the problem at hand. In one such experiment, he asked what seemed like a
deceptively simple question: What would happen if you could "catch up" to a
beam of light? Would you see the beam of light "frozen" in time, as
Maxwell's equations seemed to suggest? If not, what would happen as your
speed increased?
- In 1999, the editors of Time magazine chose Einstein as
their person of the 20th century.
- When Einstein received the Nobel Prize in 1921, it was for his work on the
photoelectric effect. Relativity was still too controversial.
- The first paper dealt with the "photoelectric effect," which describes how
light interacts with matter, and was a crucial early contribution to quantum
- The second paper, on the dimensions of molecules, became Einstein's
PhD thesis.
- The third paper analyzed "Brownian motion," the random movement
of microscopic particles suspended in a fluid, and proved the existence of
atoms -- something that was still debated as the 19th century drew to a
- And, of course, there was the famous paper on special relativity.
- The June 30, 1905 paper was not Einstein's last word on special relativity. That
fall, he wrote a short follow-up paper titled Does the Inertia of a Body
Depend on its Energy Content? It described a link between matter and energy,
and introduced the equation E = mc{+2}. (In the equation, E stands for
energy, m stands for mass, and c, once again, stands for the speed of
- Ten years later, he developed an even broader theory that encompassed
accelerated motion and gravity. The new work became known as general
- Einstein had found that Newton's laws were incomplete; they were just an
approximation of the true picture. And the foundation they rested on --
absolute space and absolute time -- was mistaken.
- Newton's laws give the
right answers as long as the velocities involved are low. But as one
approaches the speed of light, they break down. One needs a new framework,
one in which time and space behave in new and startling ways.
- With his June 30, 1905 paper, Einstein had shown how to reconcile the mechanics of
Newton with the electromagnetic theory of Maxwell. He discovered that the
laws of physics, including, surprisingly, the measured value for the speed
of light, were the same for everyone, while time and space were relative --
an even bigger surprise.
While Newton had envisioned gravity as a force, Einstein came
to see it as a curving or "warping" of space itself. The theory predicted,
among other things, that a massive object would bend a ray of light that
passed near it. This was confirmed during a solar eclipse in 1919, when
the sun was seen to bend the light of more distant stars.
- Einstein's 1905 first paper was 30 pages long, but he
overthrew the Newtonian world view in the first few pages. He showed,
among other things, that there was no need for the "ether." The reason no
one had detected it, he said, is because it doesn't exist.
"In fact, Einstein's equations were not new -- but his
interpretation of what they meant certainly was. What he did that was new
was to break away from the old conception of time -- the fact that really
time is relative; that there really is no absolute time; that time is just
what clocks measure, and nothing more -- that's something his
contemporaries . . . just couldn't do; they couldn't take that step."
says Dr. Will, of Washington University.
Please click on the next line to read details of the above
knowledge from Dan Falk who is a Toronto science journalist and the author of
"Universe on a
T-Shirt: The Quest for the Theory of Everything"....Dan Folk's
published an article on Einstein in the
Canadian Globe and Mail
to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the publishing of Einstein's 1905
scientific papers....These Einstein papers turned the then 400 old year western
science on its head and gave it a quantum leap into a new era of understanding a
little bit more about the TRUTH of nature which creates us, sustains us and also
keeps the creation and sustenance cylce self-recreating eternally.....
Canadian Globe and Mail: Saturday, June
25, 2005 Page F8
'Join me in singing the praises of Newton, who opens the treasure chest of
hidden truth. No closer to the gods can any mortal rise," English astronomer
Edmond Halley gushed in his preface to his colleague's masterwork, The
Principia, in 1687.
Halley obviously idolized Isaac Newton, but the sentiment was justified:
Newton's laws of motion and his law of gravity would serve as the foundation
of physics for more than 200 years -- until a precocious 26-year-old patent
clerk tore it away in a single swoop of the imagination.
"Newton, forgive me," Albert Einstein would write many years later,
acknowledging that he, too, was standing on the shoulders of giants. "You
found the only way that was available at your time to a man of the highest
reasoning and creative powers."
That intellectual leap came 100 years ago on June 30, 1905, when Einstein wrote a
paper that could be described as the most radical document of the 20th
century. It overthrew Newton's view of absolute space and time, replacing it
with a more flexible -- and deeply counterintuitive -- framework.
The paper, innocuously titled On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies, gave
the world the first part of his theory of relativity, now known as
relativity. It reached the editors at the Annalen der Physik journal on June
30, 1905.
And so scientists and historians are once again weighing in on Einstein's
"The reason the world is the way it is today is because of Einstein,"
astrophysicist Michael Shara of the Museum of Natural History in New York.
"He wrote down a few equations, described a few simple phenomena, in 1905,
that changed the world forever."
Robert Kirshner, of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in
Cambridge, Mass., adds: "His imagination, I think, was a really
extraordinary thing."
For the average person on the street, of course, Einstein's exalted status
was never in question; ask someone to name a genius, and chances are he will
cite the physicist, even if (or perhaps because) he barely understands the
significance of his work.
It was hardly a surprise when, in 1999, the editors of Time magazine chose
Einstein as their person of the 20th century; closer to home, readers of The
Globe and Mail voted him the person of the millennium.
Our understanding of the cosmos, from the smallest quark to the most distant
quasar, is shaped by Einstein's insights, and many of the great
breakthroughs of the past hundred years -- the computer revolution, nuclear
power, lasers, space travel, GPS systems -- owe a debt to his creative
"He really revolutionized the way we think about the universe around us,"
says Clifford Will, a physicist at Washington University in St. Louis.
showed that the universe is much more complex and sophisticated than we ever
thought it was."
Even without special relativity, 1905 would have been a staggeringly good
year for Einstein. Historians refer to it as his annus mirabilis, or
"miracle year," in which the young scientist, born in Ulm, Germany, but
living in Bern, Switzerland, and working as a patent clerk, penned four
groundbreaking physics papers.
The first paper dealt with the "photoelectric effect," which describes how
light interacts with matter, and was a crucial early contribution to quantum
theory. The second paper, on the dimensions of molecules, became Einstein's
PhD thesis. The third paper analyzed "Brownian motion," the random movement
of microscopic particles suspended in a fluid, and proved the existence of
atoms -- something that was still debated as the 19th century drew to a
close. And, of course, there was the famous paper on special relativity.
When Einstein received the Nobel Prize in 1921, it was for his work on the
photoelectric effect. Relativity was still too controversial.
The significance of special relativity can only be understood in its
historical context. It came at a time when physics was at a crossroads. As
the 20th century began, Newton's laws seemed to explain just about
However, to understand light, physicists relied on another very successful
description of nature -- a framework developed by 19th-century Scottish-born
physicist James Clerk Maxwell. Maxwell's equations described light as an
electromagnetic wave. Moreover, it was a wave that by definition travelled
at a particular speed, denoted by the symbol c -- the speed of light. Even
by the 18th century, this speed had been measured accurately; today, we know
it's about 300,000 kilometres per second.
One thing that seemed necessary in both frameworks was a peculiar substance
believed to pervade all of space. It was known as the "ether." Maxwell
believed the ether was necessary as a medium in which waves of light could
propagate, just as sound waves, for example, require air.
And Newton had embraced the ether as a medium through which forces such as
gravity could exert their influence. Without the ether, for example, how
could the sun's gravity keep the Earth in its grip?
Unfortunately, as of 1905, no one had been able to detect this mysterious
The difficulty was in reconciling these two world views. Newtonian physics
rests on a principle that goes back to the time of Galileo. Often called the
"principle of relativity" -- this aspect of relative motion predates
Einstein by about three centuries -- it states that there is no "privileged"
reference frame; one observer has no better ability to measure "true" speeds
or distances or times than any other.
But in Maxwell's electromagnetism, there does seem to be a privileged
reference frame -- the frame in which one would be "at rest" relative to the
Most people, even most scientists, were not losing sleep over this apparent
contradiction. In the 1880s, Heinrich Hertz had used Maxwell's equations to
predict the existence of radio waves, which he promptly detected; in less
than a decade, Guglielmo Marconi was busy building radio transmitters and
But a few physicists, including a young Einstein, were troubled by what they
saw as a fundamental flaw in the underlying description of nature embodied
in these two world views. French mathematician Henri Poincaré and Dutch
physicist Hendrik A. Lorentz were also grappling with it.
One of Einstein's great gifts was the ability to conduct "thought
experiments," conjuring up simple mental pictures allowing him to visualize
the problem at hand. In one such experiment, he asked what seemed like a
deceptively simple question: What would happen if you could "catch up" to a
beam of light? Would you see the beam of light "frozen" in time, as
Maxwell's equations seemed to suggest? If not, what would happen as your
speed increased?
Historians debate exactly what led Einstein to his solution. In his book
Einstein's Clocks, Poincaré's Maps, Harvard historian Peter Galison
maintains that the job at the patent office played a pivotal role, giving
Einstein the kind of "mental exercise" that would help him tackle the
deepest problems in physics. The challenge of synchronizing Europe's
electrical clocks was especially important, Dr. Galison argued. Many of the
patents that crossed Einstein's desk involved electronic devices linked to
this problem.
Dr. Shara, of the Museum of Natural History, agrees that analyzing patents
was not nearly as dull a job as it may sound. "I think if he learned
anything at the patent office, it was: Twist your mind, twist your ideas,
look at things in a completely different way."
In hindsight, even Einstein's "interloper" status is sometimes seen as an
advantage. By being isolated in a government office in Bern, rather than
teaching at a university, he wasn't exposed to the deeply entrenched ideas
of the physics establishment. In other words, he had nothing to lose, and,
some historians argue, the novelty of his thinking is reflected in those
strikingly original 1905 papers.
"He comes in entirely as an outsider," says Harvard historian Gerald Holton,
a leading Einstein scholar. "He has no stakes at all in any of the 19th- and
the early-20th-century physics. He comes there in his 20s, with a full-time
job, and he lets his mind wander. He's not endangering his academic
position, because he doesn't have one, and he can take those risks."
Other elements in Einstein's environment may also have bolstered his
creativity: Conversations with a close group of friends in Bern, nicknamed
the Olympic Academy, gave him an invaluable "sounding board" for his ideas
about space and time; his wife, Mileva Maric, a Serb and former classmate
from his student days in Zurich, also played such a role. (Historians
continue to debate just how large Maric's contribution was; these days, only
a handful of Serbian websites claim that the breakthrough was primarily hers
rather than Einstein's.)
At the very least, the patent job left his evenings free; he would pore over
the latest physics journals and peruse the philosophical works of such
thinkers as David Hume and Ernst Mach. He would take the occasional break to
play his violin -- no doubt with visions of speeding trains, beams of light
and ticking clocks still dancing in his head.
Whatever triggered it, the answer came to him in the spring of 1905. "I've
completely solved the problem," he told his friend Michele Besso in May of
that year. The solution, he said, "was to analyze the concept of time."
That, of course, was an understatement.
Einstein had found that Newton's laws were incomplete; they were just an
approximation of the true picture. And the foundation they rested on --
absolute space and absolute time -- was mistaken. Newton's laws give the
right answers as long as the velocities involved are low. But as one
approaches the speed of light, they break down. One needs a new framework,
one in which time and space behave in new and startling ways.
With his June 30, 1905 paper, Einstein had shown how to reconcile the mechanics of
Newton with the electromagnetic theory of Maxwell. He discovered that the
laws of physics, including, surprisingly, the measured value for the speed
of light, were the same for everyone, while time and space were relative --
an even bigger surprise.
Einstein's paper was 30 pages long, but he overthrew the Newtonian world
view in the first few pages. He showed, among other things, that there was
no need for the "ether." The reason no one had detected it, he said, is
because it doesn't exist. At the end of the paper, there were no references
to earlier work by other scientists, though he thanked his friend Besso "for
several valuable suggestions."
For Dr. Galison, the absence of references is more than just a sign of
youthful arrogance. It's also a sign that Einstein had been deeply
influenced by his day job.
No wonder the June 30 paper had such a different flavour from typical
physics papers of the day. "In fact, it does look like something else," Dr.
Galison remarks. "It looks a lot like a patent application." In a patent, he
says, "you don't want a lot of footnotes. You're trying to establish your
intellectual priority."
For Dr. Holton, special relativity was more than just a new set of rules for
adding velocities and calculating lengths and intervals of time. He sees it
as the conclusion of a war between Newtonian and Maxwellian physics that had
raged for about 30 years.
"What he [Einstein] has done is essentially saying: Here is a point of view
about science which shows that neither the electromagnetic world view nor
the mechanistic one is correct," Dr. Holton says. "It is the fusion of the
two . . . that's the way to look at physics."
In fact, Einstein's equations were not new -- but his interpretation of what
they meant certainly was. Dr. Will, of Washington University, says:
"What he
did that was new was to break away from the old conception of time -- the
fact that really time is relative; that there really is no absolute time;
that time is just what clocks measure, and nothing more -- that's something
his contemporaries . . . just couldn't do; they couldn't take that step."
The June 30 paper was not Einstein's last word on special relativity. That
fall, he wrote a short follow-up paper titled Does the Inertia of a Body
Depend on its Energy Content? It described a link between matter and energy,
and introduced the equation E = mc{+2}. (In the equation, E stands for
energy, m stands for mass, and c, once again, stands for the speed of
Ten years later, he developed an even broader theory that encompassed
accelerated motion and gravity. The new work became known as general
Again a "thought experiment" played a crucial role: This time, he visualized
a man falling from a roof, and realized that during the fall the man would
not feel his own weight. (He later described it as the "happiest thought" of
his life.)
While Newton had envisioned gravity as a force, Einstein came to see it as a
curving or "warping" of space itself. The theory predicted, among other
things, that a massive object would bend a ray of light that passed near it.
This was confirmed during a solar eclipse in 1919, when the sun was seen to
bend the light of more distant stars. The confirmation, which made newspaper
headlines on both sides of the Atlantic, was the key event that brought
Einstein worldwide fame.
General relativity has since become the cornerstone of modern cosmology; the
big bang model of cosmic evolution rests on its foundation. The theory
remains, with quantum theory, one of the two great pillars of physics at the
start of the 21st century.
Einstein had been living in Berlin just before the Nazis took power in
January, 1933, but he was, luckily, on a working holiday in the United
States at the critical moment. An ardent Zionist, he never returned to the
country of his birth, instead settling at the newly created Institute for
Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J.
By now, he was divorced from Maric and married to his cousin, Elsa Löwenthal,
though he would outlive her by nearly 20 years. (A few years before his own
death, Einstein wrote: "I'm doing just fine, considering that I have
triumphantly survived nazism and two wives.")
During his years in Princeton, Einstein was firmly established as a
superstar -- the most famous scientist of modern times, and, arguably, the
biggest celebrity the world would ever know. It is this living icon -- the
old man with the wild hair and deep, dark eyes -- that we now associate most
often with Einstein's name.
Theories about why Einstein attracted such adulation abound, though there is
no truly satisfying answer -- and he certainly did not comprehend it
himself. His intellect obviously played a role; so did his passion for peace
and his love of knowledge for its own sake. And of course his appearance.
"He came along at a time when perhaps the world was looking for heroes who
weren't associated with politics, weren't associated with war, and he sort
of fit the bill," Dr. Will speculates. "And he looked the part. He had this
kind of benevolent look about him."
In Princeton, Einstein quietly pursued his dream of a unified field theory,
a framework that would combine gravity with electromagnetism. He never
Einstein died of an abdominal aneurysm on April 18, 1955, refusing any
surgery that might have prolonged his life.
And this month we remember a scientist with a remarkable gift for selecting
just the right problems in physics and then tackling them with a combination
of dogged determination and a child-like desire for simplicity.
"What was remarkable about Einstein is that he had a vision of what physics
should be like," Dr. Galison says. "He was always looking for simple
organizing principles that helped build a world for us."
And he built more than just a world; he gave us a whole new universe.
Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity rests on two assumptions, or
The first postulate says the laws of physics must be the same for any two
observers, no matter how fast they are moving relative to one another, so
long as they are moving at constant speeds (that is, with no acceleration).
Whether you're trying to predict the motion of a projectile, or measuring
electrical or magnetic properties, or studying a beam of light, the laws
must be the same for everyone.
The second postulate says the speed of light is always the same, regardless
of your own speed and the speed of the object that is emitting the light. In
other words, you'll always measure a beam of light as travelling at a
specific speed, which physicists denote by the symbol c -- about 300,000
kilometres per second.
The first postulate isn't particularly startling. It merely takes an idea
that had been presumed since the time of Galileo -- that there is no
"privileged" reference frame -- and raises it to the status of a postulate,
a basic assumption about the physical world.
It's the second postulate that is shocking.
In Isaac Newton's world, the speed you measure for any object depends on its
motion and on your motion. A train seems to be whizzing past if you're
standing on the platform; if you're on board the train, however, it doesn't
appear to be moving at all (while the platform appears to be whizzing past
in the opposite direction). Throw a baseball off the front of the train, and
the observer on the platform sees the ball as being given a "boost": If the
train is going 100 kilometres an hour, and you throw the ball at 80 km/h, an
observer on the ground will see the ball moving at 180 km/h. The math
couldn't be simpler: It's just v = v{-1} + v{-2}. Sounds obvious, right?
In Einstein's theory, this is still true (or rather, approximately true) of
trains and baseballs and other slow-moving objects -- that is, objects
moving at much less than the speed of light.
But his second postulate says it's not the case for light: No matter how
fast you're moving, and no matter how fast a source of light is moving,
you'll still measure that beam of light as travelling at 300,000 km/s. (This
also has the effect of making the speed of light the ultimate "speed limit"
in the universe.) It doesn't matter if I'm walking slowly with a flashlight,
or if I've mounted the flashlight on some futuristic rocket ship, zooming
past you at, say, 200,000 km/s (two-thirds the speed of light). It makes no
difference; you will still measure that beam of light as moving at 300,000
km/s. Light can neither be given a boost nor slowed down.
In fact,
whenever speeds are comparable to the speed of light, they no longer add up
as simply as they did in Newton's world: v is no longer equal to v{-1} +
v{-2}. Einstein worked out the correct formula. It still gives Newton's
result at low speeds, but at high speeds you get a lower sum than you would
have expected.
The other surprise -- and it's a whopper -- is that in order for the speed
of light to be constant, distance and time must be relative. In other words,
if two observers are moving relative to one another, they can disagree about
the time interval between two events, or the distance between two points in
space. Perhaps the most counterintuitive result is that a clock on board a rocket
moving at high speed will appear to "tick" more slowly than an identical
clock that is "stationary" (the quotation marks are just a reminder that
different observers can disagree about which of them is moving and which is
not). This effect is known as time dilation.
As an example, consider an imaginary high-speed train carrying a "light beam
clock" -- a clock made from a pair of parallel horizontal mirrors, one above
the other, with a beam of light bouncing up and down between them.
When the train is stationary, a person on board and a person standing on the
platform both measure the same interval of time between each "tick" of the
When the train moves at close to the speed of light, however, an observer on
the platform sees the beam of light trace out a diagonal or "sawtooth" path.
Therefore, the distance the beam of light travels during each "tick" is
But -- and this is the crucial part -- Einstein's second postulate requires
that the speed of light is still measured as having the same value. Since
speed is equal to distance multiplied by time, and the distance is larger,
the time between each "tick" must increase.
Therefore, an observer on the ground sees the clock on board the moving
train as running slow. But the observer on board the train comes to the
opposite conclusion: He would see a light beam in a similar clock on the
ground as tracing out a diagonal path, and conclude that it was running
In keeping with Einstein's first postulate, there is no special, "preferred"
reference frame -- both descriptions are equally valid.
The time-dilation effects are negligible at everyday speeds, but become
significant as one approaches the speed of light.
But time dilation is just the beginning. One also sees the moving train as
having shrunk -- that is, its length will appear to be shorter (though only
along the direction of motion). And its mass will appear to increase.
These seemingly bizarre results -- time dilation, length contraction and
mass increase -- have all been confirmed in countless laboratory
In a short follow-up paper published in the fall of 1905, Einstein
discovered yet another surprising consequence of his postulates: A link
between matter and energy, embodied in what is now the most famous equation
in the world: E = mc{+2}.
The theory Einstein outlined in his paper of June, 1905, is called special
relativity because it deals only with objects moving at a constant speed.
Later, he expanded his theory to include accelerated motion and gravity, an
effort known as general relativity.
Why does time slow down?
Case A: Train stationary ( that is, not moving relative
to an observer standing on the plateform:
Imagine a "light beam clock" - a clock that measures time by means of a beam
of light travelling up and down between two parallel horizontal mirrors on a
We can imagine that every cycle of the beam - up and back down again -
represents one "tick" of the clock.
When the train is stationary, a person on board the train and another person
standing on the platform each measures the same interval of time between
each "tick" of the clock.
Case B: Train moving near speed of light:
As seen from the platform, the beam of light now traces out a diagonal or "sawtooth"
path. Therefore, the distance the beam of light has to move between each
"tick" is increased.
However, according to Albert Einstein's postulates of special relativity,
the speed of light is still measured as having the same value - that is, the
beam is seen as travelling at the same speed in Case B as in Case A.
Because speed is equal to distance divided by time, the time between each
"tick" must increase. Therefore, an observer on the ground sees the clock on
board the moving train as running slow.
1879: Born in Ulm, Germany; the family moves to Munich the following year.
1900: Graduates from the Zurich Polytechnic Institute; publishes his first
scientific paper.
1902: Begins his first full-time job, examining patents in a government
office in Bern, Switzerland.
1903: Marries Mileva Maric, a physics student.
1905: Completes his "miracle year," in which he writes four groundbreaking
papers, including the one that introduces his theory of relativity; this
work is now known as special relativity.
1905: Discovers the formula E = mc{+2}.
1913: Moves to Berlin.
1915-16: Completes his general theory of relativity, describing gravity as a
warping of space and time.
1919: General relativity is confirmed by bending of starlight during a solar
eclipse; Einstein becomes a household name. Marries his cousin, Elsa
Löwenthal, after divorcing Mileva.
1921: First visit to the United States; with Chaim Weizmann, raises funds
for the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
1921: Receives the Nobel Prize in physics, primarily for his work on the
photoelectric effect.
1933: Accepts position at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton,
1939: Signs a letter to president Franklin D. Roosevelt urging the United
States to develop an atomic bomb ahead of Germany.
1952: Is offered, but graciously declines, the presidency of Israel.
1955: Dies in Princeton. |
It was in Bern that the physicist landed his first real job --
and had his
first great insights into the nature of the universe
By DAN FALK: Special to Canadian The Globe and Mail:
Saturday, June 25, 2005 Page T3
BERN, SWITZERLAND -- Albert Einstein was 22 when he arrived in Bern,
Switzerland, in 1902 -- unemployed, travelling on foot, and carrying little
more than the clothes on his back. Within three years, however, he would
become a husband and a father, and -- oh, yes -- develop a radical new
picture of space and time that would change the world forever.
With 2005 marking both the 100th anniversary of the theory of relativity and
the 50th anniversary of the scientist's death, Bern is experiencing an
influx of Einstein-minded visitors.
Einstein wasn't born here -- that honour goes to the southern German city of
Ulm, about 270 kilometres away. Nor did he remain in Bern for very long --
in less than a decade, with his genius bringing increased fame, academic
positions would draw him to Zurich, Prague and Berlin, before the rise of
nazism forced him to leave Europe for good.
But it was here in the picturesque Swiss capital that the ambitious young
physicist got his first real job -- an entry-level position examining patent
applications in a government office. And it was here that Einstein had his
first great insights into the nature of the universe.
Unlike the modern metropolises of Geneva and Zurich, Bern has kept one foot
squarely in the medieval world. In the nearly thousand-year span of Bern's
history, the century that has passed since Einstein's time is a mere blip.
Arcades line the narrow streets of the Aldstadt, or old city, dotted every
few yards with colourful fountains, many of them dating to the 16th century.
Visitors who climb the Gothic spire of the city's cathedral -- at 100 metres
in height, one of the tallest in Switzerland -- are rewarded with sweeping
views of red-tile roofs, church spires, and the churning, blue waters of the
Aare river.
Walking along Bern's cobbled streets, past sculptures and façades that have
changed little in the past century, it is easy to imagine Einstein's daily
life. We can picture him leaving the patent office, perhaps whistling a
Mozart tune, and strolling leisurely to his modest but comfortable home.
That apartment, at Kramgasse 49, stands in the middle of a row of plain,
low-rise residential buildings in the heart of the old city, midway between
the cathedral and the magnificent 13th-century clock tower. In the autumn of
1903, the young Einstein was earning enough money to rent a suite of
third-floor rooms here -- a site now designated as Einstein House. It has
been a museum since 1979, and since then nearly a quarter-million visitors
from more than 150 countries have toured its rooms, restored to reflect the
style of the period.
The apartment, reached by a steep, narrow staircase, consisted of just two
rooms, though one of them had two large windows looking out onto Kramgasse.
(The museum is somewhat larger, having absorbed several adjacent rooms; it
is also in the process of expanding into the floor above.) The living room
has just a few touches of elegance: stucco ceilings, floral wallpaper and
decorative flourishes on the trim atop each wall. The wooden floorboards are
still original; Einstein's furniture is long gone, but the museum is
constantly acquiring period pieces. A replica of the scientist's stand-up
wooden desk from the patent office is on display, along with his doctoral
thesis and even his high-school report cards (which show that he wasn't a
bad student after all, contrary to popular myth). On the walls are dozens of
historical photographs.
There are pictures of Einstein, of course; his wife Mileva Maric, a former
classmate from his university days in Zurich; and their two children, Hans
Albert and Eduard. There are also photos of his patent office colleague and
life-long friend Michele Besso, and the man who helped him land the job,
Marcel Grossman. Another photo shows Einstein with two of his closest
intellectual partners, Conrad Habicht and Maurice Solovine, with whom he
formed a club nicknamed the "Olympic Academy."
All of these young thinkers -- his wife and the four men -- were invaluable
"sounding boards" as Einstein mulled over the physics problems of the day,
his thoughts slowly evolving toward the breakthrough of relativity.
The job at the patent office and the move to 49 Kramgasse marked the first
real security Einstein had known. It gave him the confidence to finally ask
Mileva to marry him, and it was here that their first son, Hans Albert, was
born. Einstein's salary -- 3,500 francs a year -- was not much, but it was
enough to cover the rent and the family's most basic needs.
"Einstein was so happy and so proud that he could, for the first time in his
young life, rent an apartment like that," says Ruth Aegler, a tour guide at
the museum. "Only 60 square metres. That's not much, but for him it was
absolutely luxury."
By day, Einstein pored over the hundreds of applications that passed across
his desk. But his true passion was not gadgetry but the underlying theory,
the machinery of the cosmos itself. In these cramped rooms, he scribbled the
formulas that would become the first part of his theory of relativity, known
as special relativity.
And he did it largely in a few precious hours of free time each day. "That
young man worked eight hours a day, six days a week," Aegler says. "He came
home in the evening about 6 o'clock; first he took his baby on his knees,
then he took his violin and played for his family, for the children waiting
downstairs on the street. And after dinner -- and it was always a very
modest dinner, because they didn't have much money -- his friends came for
long discussions, past midnight." And from those discussions -- swirling
conversations about physics and philosophy, fuelled by cigarettes and
Turkish coffee -- came the seeds of special relativity.
In his first relativity paper Einstein recognized that the speed of light
was a universal constant, while space and time were as flexible as rubber.
Few of today's visitors to Einstein House, however, are professional
scientists. Instead, they come drawn by Einstein's universal appeal as a man
of enormous compassion as well as otherworldly intellect, a kind of secular
saint for the scientific age.
Bern's small airport has direct flights to major European cities. Trains to
Geneva take two hours; to Zurich, 75 minutes.
Einstein Haus: Kramgasse 49; 41 (31) 312-0091; http://www.einstein-bern.ch.
Exhibits and photos dedicated to Einstein's life and work. Open daily 10
a.m.-7 p.m. Admission about $7.
Kunstmuseum: Hodlerstrasse 12; 41 (31) 328-0944; http://www.kunstmuseumbern.ch.
Bern's art museum has the world's largest Paul Klee collection; works by
Picasso, Pollock, and other 20th-century greats upstairs. Open Tuesday 10
a.m.-9 p.m., Wedneday-Sunday 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Admission about $8.
Cathedral of St. Vincent: Munsterplatz; 41(31)312-0462. Fifteenth-century
cathedral offers spectacular views from the top of its 91-metre bell tower.
Open Tuesday-Saturday 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sunday 11:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Admission to
viewing platform about $2.50.
Belle Epoque: Gerechtigkeitsgasse 18; 41 (31) 311-4336; http://www.belle-epoque.ch.
Elegant historic building with recently renovated art deco-style rooms.
Doubles from about $290.
Hotel Glocke: Rathausgasse 75; 41 (31) 311-3771; http://www.chilisbackpackers.com/english.htm.
Budget hotel with small, clean rooms, located in the heart of the Old City.
Double with shared bath about $115. No breakfast.
General information on Bern and Switzerland can be found on-line at http://www.berninfo.com
and http://www.myswitzerland.com.
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