Posted by Ashram News Reporter on July 15, 2005



 From Exploring on-line here are a few facts about chocolate which is universally liked by all humanity regardless of age, race, religion, socio-political-economical preference or any other preferred lifestyle traits of this current world...And chocolate is liked by all for various reasons from  sweet-tooth to getting high on endorphins to seducing one's loved ones...:


    The cacao tree (Theobroma cacao) is a native of Central and South America. Today, it is cultivated around the equator, and can be found in the Caribbean, Africa, South-East Asia, and even in the South Pacific Islands of Samoa and New Guinea.

  • There are three main varieties of cacao trees. The most common is Forastero, which accounts for nearly 90% of the world's production of cacao beans. Rarest and most prized are the beans of the Criollo variety. Their aroma and delicacy make them sought after by the world's best chocolate makers. Finally, there is the Trinitario variety of cacao, which is a cross between Criollo and Forastero.

  • The spread of the cacao tree started during the age of Colonialism some 600 years ago, as did the spread of cacao beans, and of chocolate itself.

  • The process of making fine chocolate hasn't changed much since the Swiss breakthroughs of the late 1800s from harvesting beans to roasting and winnowing and making actual chocolate for consumption. For fine chocolate, the selection and mix of beans is very important and use up to 12 different varieties of beans from all over the world. All of the beans are sorted by hand before being roasted. Each variety of bean is roasted separately. Following the roasting process, the beans are loaded into a machine known as the winnower, which removes the hard outer hulls and separates the "nibs" of the beans by size. The nibs are the basic product used for chocolate production.

  • The chocolate making machine called melangéur has granite runners which revolve on a steel or stone bed to mash the nibs into a thick paste. Sugar and vanilla are added during this process. The "chocolate liquor" from the melanguer is transferred to the "conche-refiner" for further processing. Heat is introduced and this process takes several hours (some chocolate makers will conche for up to 72 hours). Conching ensures that the liquid is evenly blended. Following conching, the liquid chocolate is tempered for several hours. The tempering process involves heating the chocolate liquor and then cooling it in several stages. This process stabilizes the cocoa butter crystals so that they become more uniform in size. It also gives the chocolate a bright luster and a sharp snap when you break it. The final steps in the process are molding the chocolate, allowing it to cool and harden, and then finally packaging it.

  • One of the most pleasant effects of eating chocolate is the "good feeling" that many people experience after indulging in . Chocolate which contains more than 300 known chemicals. Caffeine is the most well known of these chemical ingredients, and while it's present in chocolate, it can only be found in small quantities. Theobromine, a weak stimulant, is also present, in slightly higher amounts. The combination of these two chemicals (and possibly others) may provide the "lift" that chocolate eaters experience. Phenylethylamine is also found in chocolate. It's related to amphetamines, which are strong stimulants. All of these stimulants increase the activity of neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) in parts of the brain that control our ability to pay attention and stay alert. Chocolate contains pharmacologically active substances that have the same effect on the brain as marijuana, and that these chemicals may be responsible for certain drug-induced psychoses associated with chocolate craving.

  • Chocolate has been said to cause acne and tooth decay, and has a reputation for being a fattening, nutritionless food. On the other hand, chocolate is also known for being everything from an anti-depressant to an aphrodisiac. While there's still much we don't know about chocolate, recent research is helping us better understand how chocolate consumption affects our health.
    The good news is that most of the bad effects of eating chocolate are either overstated or entirely false. In fact, there are indications that the cocoa butter in the chocolate coats the teeth and may help protect them by preventing plaque from forming.

  • Chocolate also has not been proven to cause cavities or tooth decay. The sugar in chocolate does contribute to cavities, but no more than the sugar in any other food. Obviously, eating too much of any food may cause health problems. The cocoa butter in chocolate does contain saturated fat, which can increase blood cholesterol levels, and high cholesterol can contribute to heart disease. However, recent research at the University of California has found that chocolate carries high levels of chemicals known as phenolics, some of which may help lower the risk of heart disease. Plants such as chocolate, coffee, tea, and others contain high levels of phenolics.

You can read in-depth about chocolate by visiting the Exploring Chocolate on-line by clicking on the name hilite......





In order to live a really happy and contented life one has to awakening oneself to realize that one is not one's body. In the primary sense, one is really one's aat`maa (soul).

One's aat`maa has to take a body to do all that one does in life and  by doing so one will experience all sensations that life can offer.

And after this basic awakening as to who one is one then has to awaken to another reality that one's aatmaa is really none other than one's Creator whom this humanity calls as God and has given so many names to that God.

The process one can adopt to have the above two realizations of one's existence is called yog in vED.

The sciences of creation and life in sNskRUt language is called vED. vED teaches humanity how the humanity is created, how it has to function and how it has to co-exist in harmony with all other creations and the Creator God.

And to learn and practice yog every breath of one's existence one has to study vED.

These days the word yog written as yoga is becoming a fashion and a fashionable lifestyle in current humanity's culture. In current humanity yog is thought to be a pill to cure a lot of lifestyle diseases that the present industrial based culture suffers from despite abundance of wealth due to technological advances in production of wealth and materials for livelihood.

 Examples of current humanity's concept of yog is exercise and fitness classes, programs to treat medical problems that can not be cured by current medical sciences, programs for students who cannot focus on studying and so on....and this week we have in Toronto, Canada "Chocolate yoga"........

But in reality yog is:

  •  understanding oneself,
  • one's relationship to one's Creator God and sub-creators like parents and teachers and those who guide us to live by the universal rules and regulations of  DHARm, and
  • how one can exist in this universe and sustain oneself without giving pain to other in thoughts, words and actions....

On this PVAF website  there is a lot of knowledge of the concept and  process of yog and ways to practice yog every breath you take in your daily life to make your tomorrow happier than today for yourself and others around you...

You can start learning about yog by visiting the following pages on this knowledge-sharing PVAF web site:

  • vED page
  • Today's Prayer and its archive
  • Today's vED Lesson and its archive
  • Aashram News Archive
  • Message Board for sharing and exchanging your vED knowledge with others......

Just go to Aashram Page MENU there will take you where you wish to go.....

Or you can click here and email to PVAF to get information on how you can start your own yog program in your own home with the cost of yourself and your time out during everyday for yourself.....

The vED knowledge in this column of this news item is shared with YOU by SHRii Champaklal Dajibhai Mistry from his vED library.....with a prayer that vED knowledge will make a difference in the lifestyle you wish to live in the way you wish to live and in the place you wish to live.....

And now you can read about the Chocolate Yoga in the article published in Edmonton Journal by clicking on the next line.....

Road to nirvana paved with dark chocolate
New fitness class pairs yoga with chocolate to 'link the mind with the heart'

Misty Harris: CanWest News Service: Edmonton Journal: July 12, 2005:

Here's a fitness class you can sink your teeth into.

Chocolate yoga, an exercise concept where inner peace begins with the stomach, is finding an enthusiastic audience among Canada's fit and famished. The practice combines the natural high of stretching with the endorphin high of eating chocolate to facilitate relaxation, health and happiness.

Still in its infancy, chocolate yoga is quickly gaining street cred thanks to buzz from Toronto's hip Downward Dog Yoga Centre and a nod in this month's Flare magazine. Although classes are so far limited to Hogtown, the simplicity of the idea -- not to mention its palatability -- is almost certain to inspire imitators across the country.

"We like to call it yoga dipped in bliss fondue," says Nadine Artemis, who co-founded chocolate yoga with partner Ron Obadia. "Chocolate ignites neurotransmitters and it's a really good heart medicine, and that's what yoga is about -- linking the mind with the heart."

Chocolate yoga was conceived by the couple last winter over a plate of Pink Lotus Bliss Kiss, a raw chocolate infused with the essential oil ylang-ylang, jasmine and pink lotus. After a brief trial at an Arizona yoga retreat, the concept was brought to the Downward Dog in December and has since become a guilty staple of Toronto's fitness community.

A typical class begins with a "sacramental" offering of raw chocolate, which is homemade from organic ingredients and sweetened with Peruvian yacon syrup. Participants are then invited to start nibbling, focusing on the sensations that unfold as the full expression of the chocolate works its way from the mouth through the body.

"If you eat it and sort of stare at your brain for a moment afterward, it's a very accessible way to engage in a deeper conversation with yourself," says Artemis.


Truffle Collection - 1 pound

The class is then guided through a routine that includes slow-motion stretches, sun salutations, breathing exercises and chanting, with the savouring of chocolate encouraged throughout. Think yoga meets Willy Wonka.

"It's like the Prozac of the new times," says Obadia. "The whole room will go really quiet and there's this beautiful focus that happens joyfully and spontaneously without any form of discipline."

Over the past year, Artemis and Obadia have become devout chocolate lifestylists. Their routine includes regular chocolate breakfasts as well as the occasional "chocolate fast," during which they'll ingest nothing but raw chocolate and water.

"I think it's the super food," says Obadia. "In the rain forest, one pod of chocolate is able to fuel a family for five days."

According to Doris Tancredi, the resident "doctor of chocology" at Cadbury Schweppes, researchers have only just begun detecting the health benefits of chocolate. Controlled consumption has been proven to improve blood flow, reduce blood pressure and increase good cholesterol levels, among other things.

Others are less persuaded by chocolate's magic. Dr. Harvey Sternberg, who specializes in sports medicine at the University of Alberta Hospital, says athletic endurance and performance can improve if an athlete ingests caffeine prior to exercise -- theoretically, this could include chocolate, which includes small amounts of caffeine. But he's not convinced the ritual would heighten euphoria.

"Does it enhance the high you might get from yoga? I don't know, I guess if you're in love with chocolate," he muses. "Otherwise, I think not."

© The Edmonton Journal 2005

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