Posted by Vishva News Reporter on July 30, 2005


MIT takes on the world's energy crisis

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, USA takes on the world's energy crisis
And Makes

Sanskrit Prayers Part of World Famous
  Graduation Ceremonies


Amid chants of Sanskrit prayers, some 2,300 students of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) received their graduate and undergraduate degrees in Cambridge.

Swami Tyagananda, the institution's Hindu chaplain, offered an invocation in sanskrit, which means the language of the Gods, to reflect the large international crowd's spirit of unity and goodwill. "May we come together for a common purpose - common be our prayer, common our goal," Tyagananda, told the institution's 139th commencement exercise.

 "May the one and the same divine reality lead us. May we be granted clear understanding and the courage to pursue the goals of social justice, nonviolence, harmony and peace," he said.

MIT has 2,724 international students registered for the current academic year, with a bulk of them from India and China. Among the international students, 45 percent of the students and 41 percent of the scholars are from Asia.

The institution has a vibrant Vedanta Society, which even holds a satsang and discourses every Tuesday including guided meditation, study and discussion. Even though the program is primarily designed for the MIT community, students from other campuses also attend.


From the vED library of SHRii Champaklal Dajibhai Mistry.....

In the life and creation sciences of vED it states that the 4 senses of seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and smelling are called GNaanEnDRRiyo and are 5 of the 24 tt`vo which makes a living body to function as per its ordained designs for ordained functions of the species to which the living body belongs to. To understand how the 5 senses works one has to ask vED to reveal what in vED is called the process of tt`v-aARth-GNaan meaning to have the revelation of the TRUE KNOWLEDGE OF WHAT EACH tt`v REALLY IS  beyond what is perceived with our current scientific knowledge....and the journey to know this TRUTH starts with knowing one's own aat`maa (soul) which is the all-powering entity of all the unctions in one's body as well as that which powers all one can do and can not do....   

MIT Boston, USA is a world renowned institution of learning and it is a its bhaag`y (sacred fortune) that as per the above news item that vEDik prayers were used at its graduation ceremony this year.

And as posted on the next page MIT has succeeded in breaking the mathematical codes and formula which may give its scientists success in finding the physical phenomenal of seeing by the body of a living being...But then if MIT does not study vED how it is going to find the mathematical codes and formulae of THAT ONE aat`maa which makes the seeing possible.....Please click on the line outside this box to read about this research at MIT.....




Brain scientists offer insight into vision

July 20, 2005: MIT BOSTON, USA:

When you see a flower, neurons deep inside your brain respond to the flower's color, shape and distance from your eyes, somehow working together to create the flower's image in your mind.

The question for neuroscientists is, how do they do that?

It is known that neurons in the brain are clustered together according to their ability to detect different properties--such as the vertical edge of an object or the horizontal edge, or whether the object is being seen by the left eye or the right.

Recently, neuroscientists at the Picower Center for Learning and Memory at MIT explored how these neuron clusters overlap to communicate visual information. They reported their findings in the July 21 issue of Neuron.

The evidence suggests that multitasking may be fundamental to the way the brain works.

"Since every part of the cortex has neurons that are involved in multiple tasks, there is every reason to think that this is a deep principle of brain organization," said Mriganka Sur, the Sherman Fairchild Professor of Neuroscience and head of MIT's Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences.

In the visual cortex, neighboring neurons detect objects in neighboring regions of space, creating an image or map of the visual scene. Neurons are clustered according to their ability to detect different properties, but they need to overlap so each combination of features can be represented by the cortex. If the clusters did not overlap with each other the correct way, then we would have "blind spots" for certain feature combinations. For example, in certain regions of the visual scene we might detect vertical edges with only the left eye, or horizontal edges with only the right eye.


A Finnish mathematician tackled this problem in 1982, when he came up with mathematical formulas that showed how the clusters could pull off this overlapping feat.

This study by Sur, postdoctoral associate Hongbo Yu, graduate student Brandon J. Farley, and visiting scientist Dezhe Z. Jin tests the predictions of mathematician Teuvo Kohonen. It does so by factoring in a quirky aspect of some species' cortical map: It's distorted.

In some species' brains, a square region of the visual image is represented by a square region of the cortex. But in other species, the visual cortex is distorted, causing a square region in the visual image to be represented by a rectangular region of cortex. The Neuron study shows that the distortion in the mapping of the visual scene onto the cortex has an influence on clustering that Kohonen's formulas predicted. The shape of the clusters of neurons representing similar orientations and eyes also are distorted in such a way that each feature combination can still be detected in each part of space.

What's more, the visual cortex's solution to accommodating several parameters probably holds true for other brain regions. Take hearing, for instance. "Hearing, like seeing, has multiple parameters: location of a sound in space, frequency and relative activation of the two ears," Farley said. "Maybe mapping multiple dimensions this way is a general strategy the brain uses when it faces this problem."

This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health

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