Shree Dr. Kamlesh D. Prajapati, President
of the newly formed Shree Prajapati International
Education Association (SPIEA) headquartered at Bilimora Prajapati
Vidyarthi Ashram attended the 57th Annual General Meeting of Shree
Prajapati Yovak Mandal, Gandevi and along with Shree
Ashok Kapadiya, Secretary of Shree Prajapati Yovak Mandal,
Gandevi sent the following message to be posted on the News Board of Prajapati
Vishva Ashram:
"The 57th Annual Meeting of Shree Prajapati Yovak
Mandal, Gandevi (SPYM, Gandevi) was held on June 9th, 2001, under the
Presidentship of Shree Jayantibhai Naranbhai Mistry at Gandevi, Gujarat.
The Committee members of SPYM, Gandevi welcomed all
Guests and samajo people from Gandevi and elsewhere in Gujarat. The Gandevi
samajo kanyaao (girls) welcomed everybody with su-swaagatam
(welcome) songs and. These kanyaao also welcomed heartily the President
of SPYM, Gandevi and the Chief Guest of the function by bouquet of beautiful
fresh flowers. This was followed by Garba presentation by Gandevi samaj
Shree Ashok Kapadiya,
the Secretary of SPYM, Gandevi welcomed all the guests present at this function
and gave brief introduction of the Gandevi mandal. He explained in his speech
that Gandevi mandal has been functioning since 1939. Gandevi mandal by its samaj
seva (social services) continues to spread its mehak (pleasant aroma)
over the Taluka (district) by distributing notebooks and text books
without any costs to Prajapati students to help them in their education to build
a bright future for themselves and their families.
Shree Natwarlal. G. Intwala,
President of Prajapati Vidyarthi Ashram, Bilimora (PVA-Bilimora) explained the
activity of PVA-Bilimora. He also conveyed sanmaan (respects and
reverence) to Shree Vallabhbhai Kapadiya,
the founder of SPYM-Gandevi. Shree
Vallabhbhai was also the first Secretary of PVA-Bilimora and the writer of
the Constitution of PVA-Bilimora in 1952.
Shree Natwarlal Intwala also explained the social
benefits of conducting Samuh Lagna
(multiple marriages performed on a single day at one place). Samuh Lagna
is an economical way of performing marriages in these times of rising expenses
and not so fast rising incomes. All the vidhio and the ritt-rivajo
(social customs and traditions) of celebrating marriages are done at a fraction
of the cost of a single marriage. Shree Natwarlal announced that next year
Bilimora Prajapati Samaj will arrange the Samuh Lagna on the next Vasant
Panchami ( Maha Sud 5th day).
Shree Dr. Kamlesh Prajapati,
President of the newly formed
Shree Prajapati
International Education Association (SPIEA)
explained the brief activity of SPIEA and how SPIEA functions. SPIEA has its
headquarters at Bilimora Prajapati Vidyarthi Ashram. SPIEA is the representative
of Prajapati Vishva Ashram in Gujarat. Prajapati Vishva Ashram has two social
programs going in Gujarat through SPIEA for Prajapatio in Gujarat - the
Gujarat Internet Computers and Student Scholarship for post-secondary education
and vocational education for employable skills.
Shree Chaganbhai Mistry,
the Manager of Kumbhar Credit Co-operative and
Savings Society (Society) explained how
the Society helps Prajapatio in their financial needs. The Society
operates out of Bilimora.
Shree Jayantibhai N. Mistry,
the elected president for the year 2001-2002 term of SPYM, Gandevi, said that he
will do his best to further develop the mandal. The samaj members
can expect from him as much as he possibly can give them but in return he prays
for their full support and seva from their antakaran (aatma
(soul), mana (mind), buddhi (intellect), ahankaar (ego) and
chitt (consciousness)).
Shree Vallabhbhai Kapadiya,
as an elder of the Gandevi samaj, appealed to Prajapati samaj
yuvano (young Prajaptio) and sevako to came forward to do samaj
seva (social voluntary service) as part of their individual dharma (social,
familial and personal duties and obligations ordained by our creator Brhmah). He
appealed the young samaj yuvano and sevako to participate
and start taking over the leadership of mandal activities under the
mentorship of their vadilo (elders). He also give his own surety to help
the young yuvano and sevako as per their requirements. He assured
the young yuvano and sevako that their new and modern plans of furthering
the existing activities and starting new activities will never be stopped
because of financial constraints or limitations because the Prajapatio in
India, U.K, U.S.A and Canada are always ready to help. The
most important thing the young Prajapatio should remember is that they are never
to forget their mandal which has helped them and their families all these years.
This means that these young Prajapatio must in return help the mandal regularly.
Report submitted By:
Shree Dr. Kamlesh Prajapati,
President of Shree Prajapati International Education Association, Bilimora,
Gujarat and
Shree Ashok Kapadiya,
Secretary of Shree Prajapati Yovak Mandal, Gandevi
(Please note the words in Gujarati are in italics and
their English equivalents are given beside the word in brackets)