NO BODY IN THIS CURRENT HUMANITY KNOWS WHY HUMANS NEED SLEEP......humans tend no be believe in GOD's design power because of current science knowledg
Posted by Vishva News Reporter on April 15, 2006




Adopt a School.. For Sleep Education in your community today!!

For growing youngsters,
sleep is the balm of brain development....
Parents play a huge role in determining
the amount of sleep their children get.
With increasing industrialization in many countries,
many parents (both) work late and
then keep their youngsters up
so they can spend time together!!???...
And "modern" humans call this growth and prosperity...

Research suggests that most healthy adults need seven to nine hours of sleep each night. Children and adolescents need even more. The following is a breakdown of the recommended number of hours of sleep, including naps for preschoolers from U.S. NATIONAL SLEEP FOUNDATION:  (click on the yellow hilite to go to the web site for lots of knowledge to un-deprive yourself of necessary daily sleep):

0 to 2 months: Sleep Need: 10.5 to 18 hours
2-12 months: Sleep Need: 14 to 15 hours

12-18 months: Sleep Need: 13 to 15 hours
18 months - 3 years: Sleep Need: 12-14 hours

3-5 years: Sleep Need: 11 to 13 hours

5 - 12 years:  Sleep Need: 9 to 11 hours

ADOLESCENTS:  Sleep Need: 8.5 to 9.5 hours

ADULTS: Sleep Need: 7 to 9 hours

It is just not children...Between 50 million and 70 million Americans have chronic sleep disorders, and countless millions more are sleep-deprived, a U.S. government study released this week concludes.


The USA National Sleep Foundation poll taken in November, 2005 was based on interviews of 1,602 adult caregivers and their children ages 11 to 17 revealed dangerous sleep situation evolving:

  • Some 28 percent of high school students said they fell asleep in class at least once a week. In addition, 22 percent dozed off doing homework and 14 percent arrive late or miss school because they oversleep.
  • Some 51 percent of adolescent drivers have been on the road while drowsy in the past year.
  • Four-fifths of students who get the recommended amount of sleep are achieving A's and B's ; those who get less sleep are more likely to get lower grades.
  • Some 28 percent of adolescents say they are too tired to exercise.
  • Just 20 percent of adolescents said they get nine hours of sleep on school nights and 45 percent reported sleeping less than eight hours.



A living being, as per creator bRH`m's design and operation mode, goes through daily cycles of 3 states of existence: jaagRUti (awake-ness),  s`vp`n (dream state) and suSHup`ti (deep sleep state). As per the current science, this daily 3-stage cycle is controlled by circadian rhythm . This means the daily rhythm is controlled by the sun from sunrise to sunset to sunrise. The circadian system automatically regulates the human body to start to gear up for the daily activity before the sun rises... and brings it to maximum performance level as the sun continues to rise and move to sunset....and starts to shut down the body for the night time with the setting of the sun. When humans live against this circadian rhythm, then the human body starts to malfunction resulting in very serious physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual diseases....

Please click on here for some knowledge from sciences of vED on the three states of human daily three states of existence: jaagRUti (awake-ness),  s`vp`n (dream state) and suSHup`ti (deep sleep state) posted on this knowledge sharing PVAF web site.....

The above sharing of knowledge of sciences of vED is from the library of SHRii Champaklal Dajibhai Mistry of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada for EMPOWERING YOU TO MAKE YOUR TOMORROW HAPPIER THAN TODAY WITH KNOWLEDGE....

Please click on the next line to read the detailed report on this sleep deprivation topic which is how humans degrade their life quality in the current time era called kli-yug in sciences of vED..simply because both they go after producing wealth as forecast with great detail in viSH`ANu puraaAN....


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Children's bedtimes
getting later -- and later

Canadian Globe and Mail : April 8, 2006: JILL MAHONEY,  SOCIAL TRENDS REPORTER

Julian Taddeo-Bandi's bedtime routine goes like this: After dinner, the six-year-old immerses himself in Need for Speed and other action-packed video games. His mother tries several times to tear him away, and sometimes has to pull the plug. He eventually curls up for a story. But after he's tucked in, he often gets up. For a snack. For a glass of milk. To brush his teeth. To use the bathroom.

By the time Julian drifts off, it is often 9:30 p.m., an hour-and-a-half after Nikki Taddeo began steering him toward sleep -- and about two hours later than when she went to bed at his age.

"There weren't this many things to distract us [when I was young] and we'd go outside and play and get tired out a little sooner," said Ms. Taddeo, a Toronto mortgage broker. "Parents were, I think, a little more strict. I think we want to be more friends with our children. . . . We feel guilty if we don't allow them some liberties and we kind of just let go a little."

Like many parents, Ms. Taddeo and her husband, Jason Bandi, are struggling with bedtimes that are creeping ever later, fuelled by a mixture of television, video games, on-line chatting, sports practices, music lessons and homework. Yet no matter how late youngsters go to bed, one thing remains constant: The school bell rings at the same time each morning.

Many parents, teachers and sleep experts believe today's school-age children are getting less shut-eye than previous generations.

"I think it's getting worse," said Sharon Wyatt, a teacher in Vancouver. "People's lives are so much busier . . . and I think also there's more things to do."

While there are no Canadian figures on the issue, a 2003 Swiss study cited "a more liberal parental attitude" on bedtimes in finding a "substantial decrease" in sleep duration between the 1970s and 1990s. Five-year-olds who were born between 1986 and 1993 had an average bedtime of 8:11 p.m. -- 25 minutes later than the 7:46 p.m. bedtime for children the same age who were born between 1974 and 1978. Wakeup times were later by just four minutes.

Chronically sleep-deprived children have higher rates of learning difficulties, behavioural problems, obesity, illness and accidents. Sleep shortages are perhaps most pronounced at school, where teachers see a host of consequences. Concentration shrivels. Creativity suffers. Hyperactivity increases. Attention spans shrink. Short-term memory suffers. Immune systems wane.

"Even before they get off the bus, they're already tired, and in class . . . they're kind of dragging their heels and not as alert," said Ms. Wyatt, who has taught for 15 years and now teaches special-education pupils in Grades 6 and 7.

In an effort to keep the children more alert, she changes activities often. Still, some fall asleep during lessons or when she turns the lights off to play a video. And Mondays are the worst, as students straggle in with dark circles under their eyes because they have stayed up late over the weekend.


For growing youngsters, sleep is the balm of brain development.

The situation is so worrisome that Ms. Wyatt instructs her pupils on the importance of a good night's sleep, and discusses it with their parents, because "I can't call them at night and tell them to go to bed."

Parents play a huge role in determining the amount of sleep their children get. Many work late and keep their youngsters up so they can spend time together. Others have difficulty enforcing -- or even setting -- bedtimes; nearly every parent and teacher has heard stories of unruly youngsters who bounce off the walls deep into the night.

"Often parents and lay people -- well, even some professional people -- don't appreciate how important sleep is," said Val Kirk, medical director of the Pediatric Sleep Service at Alberta Children's Hospital in Calgary.

Between 50 million and 70 million Americans have chronic sleep disorders, and countless millions more are sleep-deprived, a U.S. government study released this week concludes. The Washington-based Institute of Medicine said "broad societal changes" such as longer work hours, shift work and the proliferation of the Internet are driving increased sleeplessness.

And more than half of U.S. adolescents -- who have a natural tendency to stay up late and sleep in -- feel tired during the day, according to a poll released last week by the National Sleep Foundation. Just one in five 11- to 17-year-olds got nine hours of sleep on school nights; nearly one in two got less than eight hours. More than one in four high-school students fell asleep in school at least once a week.

Vancouver mother Nancy Knickerbocker remembers her parents being "extremely strict about bedtime," which was around 7 o'clock when she was 7. But she did not extend her parents' rule with her children, who are now in their teens and generally "seem to be fatigued." Because she is a working mother, dinner at her home is often not on the table until 7:30 p.m., after she has done her "commute, cook, shop."

Ms. Knickerbocker recalled a soccer practice when her son was younger where another boy was so tired he kept lying down on the gym floor. It was before supper and the child had already had been shuttled to piano and swimming lessons.

But not all sleepy children are lethargic. Some youngsters who have been diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder are actually just sleep-deprived and could be being unnecessarily medicated, Dr. Kirk said. "There's a lot of overlap . . . between some of the symptoms."

Tired children are also at a higher risk of illness and accidents, said Stanley Coren, a psychology professor at the University of British Columbia who has written a book about sleep.

"They're going to make errors. A child who's being inattentive and is riding his bike is a target for that big black Mercedes," he said. "Parents don't think about it . . . The notion that sleep is a key component in terms of general health is ignored by parents for themselves as well as for their kids."

Dr. Coren disagrees that children today are getting less rest than previous generations, saying sleep shortages have been a problem for years. "I think that what's happening is that we're becoming more sensitive to it."

Back at the Taddeo-Bandi home, Julian's parents want him to get more sleep -- he usually wakes up around 7:30 a.m. -- and have warned that if his bedtime foot-dragging doesn't stop, they will remove the television in his bedroom on which he plays his "incredibly addictive" video games.

"It's difficult for us as parents," Ms. Taddeo said. "Bedtimes are a struggle for everyone."


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