Urban Wealthy Middle
Increases Neglect of Indian Elderly
Loss of Respect for Elderly Biggest Concern
Rural India With 70
Percent of Indian Total Population Looks After Elders
Says Helpage India Study
news.webindia123.com &
Hinduism Today:
NEW DELHI, INDIA, May 14, 2006:
With the joint family concept is on the decline, a study
has shown the dwindling acceptance of the elderly by their families with the
overriding concern being lack of respect, regard and love.
Even as the fragmentation of the family has been linked to
the economic condition, the largest number of nuclear families (67.6
percent) belong to the upper class bracket, says a study by Helpage India.
However rural India continues to remain largely
unaffected with most (64.5 percent) opting to stay together, though
financial security at 92 percent appeared as the biggest factor among rural
Financial independence and giving advice only when sought
are two other factors which largely influence the position occupied by
family elders, according to the study that also states that those with means
to contribute command a higher standing and connect better with the next
'Help in household chores' and 'tolerance of modern
generation' are other factors which influence.
Acceptance is taken to be the highest when the aged do not
interfere in family matters and respect the independence and space of others
at home.
From the perspective of the elderly, says the study, the
most sought after thing by them is respect and regard from their families.
While 90 percent of senior citizens from middle-class
families appear to be the most neglected emotionally with lack of respect,
regard and affection, 80 percent in the upper income group, 74 percent in
the lower class families and 91 percent among rural areas have the same
complaint, the study said.
ADHaaARmik Regression of
Human Life
In kli-yug
kli-yug is the
time era stated in vED = SCIENCES OF
CREATION AND LIFE has a duration of 432,000 years.
kli-yug started after the end of
the mHaabhaart war in about 3102 BC on the day
SHRii kruSH`AN died killed by an arrow of an hunter. That
means humanity is currently in the 5108th year of
kli-yug. You can get a overview of the
vEDik time concept by clicking
As per knowledge in 18
puraaANo and 18 up-puraaANo,
in kli-yug humanity will have the tendency and socially cultivated
inclination not to live by the rules and regulations of
vED and
kli-yug progresses towards the end of its time duration,
humanity will tend to increasingly disobey vED
and DHARm due to the focus on
commercializing life - "what is in it for me?".
This life mNTR comes about with the increasing focus in pursuit of
wealth for oneself. And as stated in all
the currently available vEDik
texts, this disobeying vED and
DHARm causes suffering and pain in life on oneself and
As per the rules of DHARm,
elders must be cared for by their progeny in the same way the progeny was
nurtured and cared for from birth to attaining self-sufficiency to learn and
live life to full. But this is not happening either way. And the reason for
it is that in kli-yug due to not
living by the rules of DHARm,
humanity focuses on creation of wealth for oneself and spending the wealth
for oneself.
Example: As industrialization in any country increases,
there is increasing tendency for both parents to work and leave the raising
of their children to others such as day cares, teachers, relatives and
sometimes to no body. The children thus increasingly depend on non-parents
and especially their peers for growth rather than on their parents or elders
who have no time for them. Parents have only very limited daily, weekly,
monthly and annual "quality time" for them. Parent's "quality time" with
their children is not whatever and whenever time children needs from their
parents for growth.
Further more, due to industrialization grandparents do not
live with or near their children and grandchildren and thus the transmission
of wisdom of life from grandparents to their children and grandchildren is
practically zero in industrialized communities.
And the result of all of the above change in lifestyle
increasing devoid of living by rules of DHARm
is the loss of fundamental human relationship which provides the happiness
and peace supported by full growth of physical, intellectual, emotional and
spiritual aspects of human progress and prosperity.
The above disconnect between parents and their progeny is
being documented by many studies in all industrialized countries. Today's
news posting in the right column is a prime example of the difference is
rural non-industrialized and urban industrialized India.
A similar situation evolving in western countries is
document in the article on the next page which can be accessed by clicking
on the line outside this box......
(The sharing of veDik knowledge in this column is from the
vED library of
SHRii Champaklal Dajibhai Mistry of
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.) |