Prajapati Vishva Ashram's primary mandate is the spread of knowledge through
education among the humanity. To this end, another baby step has been taken by
this 4 -year old infant Ashram with the krupa (grace) of Brhmah.
Shree Champaklal Dajibhai Mistry of Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada has undertaken the task of leading this compiling of the Glossary
of Sanskrit-English to facilitate the study and understanding of Ved by
all Prajapatio and the humanity at large. This compilation is going to be task
of mighty proportions and is expected to last for this this twenty-first
The compilation is being done through the continuing study of Ved and hence
the Glossary will be updated continually as more knowledge is gathered at
Prajapati Vishva Ashram.
The Glossary has been surprising uniquely started with the understanding of
daily prayers which are posted on the Prayer Forum on this web site. It is a
universal fact that without prayers nothing much can be achieved in this world
of lasting importance to the evolution of mankind. And amazingly Ashram has
started compiling the Glossary for the basic purpose of understanding the
prayers in the first instance.
Shree Champakbhai says "This task is not a one person task. All
Prajapatio and others who are interested in Ved and living by Ved are welcome to
participate in this compilation. Compilers, writers, proof-readers are needed.
The Glossary in itself will transmit a lot of Ved as this compilation is beyond
what a dictionary gives. The compilation is referenced to all the possible Ved
writing available. This means a once in a life time chance for Vedic
scholars to do their daily Brhmah-yagna on a universal platform called Prajapati
Vishva Ashram. My prayers to you all to join in and create a prosperous Vedic
lifestyle for our progeny."
Prajapati Vishva Ashram appreciates this show of this aatmic leadership by
Shree Champakbhai.
All those interested in participation in this compilation of Glossary
or have constructive comments to whatever is compiled are requested to
contact Shree Champaklal Dajibhai Mistry