HUSBAND-WIFE BOND....DO EXISTS IN kli-yug...HOWEVER IN A MINORITY..... Posted by Vishva News Reporter on March 5, 2009 |
It was a busy morning, approximately 8:30 am, when an elderly gentleman
in his 80's, arrived to have stitches removed from his thumb. He stated
that he was in a hurry as he had an appointment at 9:00 am.
I took his vital signs and had him take a seat, knowing it would be over
an hour before someone would to able to see him.
I saw him looking at
his watch and decided, since I was not busy with another patient, I
would evaluate his wound.
On exam it was well healed, so I talked to one of the doctors, got the
needed supplies to remove his sutures and redress his wound.
taking care of his wound, we began to engage in conversation. I asked
him if he had a doctor's appointment this morning, as he was in such a
The gentleman told me no, that he needed to go to the nursing
home to eat breakfast with his wife.
I then inquired as to her health. He told me that she had been there for
a while and that she was a victim of Alzheimer Disease.
As we talked,
and I finished dressing his wound, I asked if she would be worried if he
was a bit late. He replied that she no longer knew who he was, that she
had not recognized him in five years now.
I was surprised, and asked him. "And you still go every morning, even
though she doesn't know who you are?"
He smiled as he patted my hand and said.
"She doesn't know me, but I
still know who she is."
I had to hold back tears as he left, I had goose bumps on my arm, and
thought, "That is the kind of love all I want in their life."
True love is neither physical, nor romantic.
True love is an acceptance
of all that is, has been, will be, and will not be.
With all the jokes
and fun that are in e-mails, sometimes there are some that come along
that have an important message, and this is one of those kind.
Posted by: "Riza Jaffer" Riza Jaffer on
Sun Feb 3, 2008 5:24 pm (PST)
A Doctor's Story
(This entire news story was forwarded for posting on this
knowledge-sharing PVAF web site... along with the knowledge from the
study of life-giving and life-saving
vED sciences by
Shrii Champaklal Dajibhai Mistry
of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada....PVAF thanks Shrii Champaklal for the
continuing contribution to PVAF....
And PVAF also invites YOU, all the patrons
of PVAF to share your life knowledge on this PVAF web site....simply to
make somebody's tomorrow happier than today with life-enhancing
knowledge....they say
So empower this humanity to live
with knowledge in this post-Enlightenment era of this
21st century....) |
If you are reading this news story in living in western civilization
then...it will bring tears to your heart and ears...if you are alive
daily with human essence not veiled by the rat race for material
enjoyment...based on current western life philosophy of the X, Y and the
Millennium Generations which is 3-pronged:
The above daily life philosophy is primarily the result of over 50
percent of first-time marriages in western culture ending up in
divorce....80 percent of the second and third time marriages ending in
The above is happening despite the normal marriage vows in western
culture which includes:
- stay married till death do us apart;
- take care of each other in health and sickness;
- stay with each other in wealth and poverty
- practicing the Commandments relating to marriage in the 10
- the most important...getting married simply because "WE LOVE EACH
The study of vED
teaches the corpus of complete and holistic science knowledge about
- how to live life to make one's tomorrow happier than today with
all science knowledge about...
- how we are created,
- how we should be sustained in our entire life journey comprising
of 4-aashram and
- how we should live this life-journey so that our next
life-journeys will be happier than this life-journey.....
But in the present vEDik
time era we live in which is called
it has been forecast that humanity will endeavor its best not live by
any other life science knowledge other than the knowledge about power
and wealth creation at any cost....even cost of another fellow and dear
human lifestyle and at extreme the life itself....and the reason for
this forecast is that majority of life-travelers in kli-yug are
classified in vED
sciences as "released from hell" by a most generous and sort of
Presidential pardon from our
Creator with a mutual promise that one will travel with
all the rules and regulations of
DHARm....and without breaking the
rules and regulations including the very basic
DHARm rule:
THOUGHTS, WORDS OR kARm (physical actions of body, mind and soul)....
Hell in vED
is defined as a place where one's
aat`maa (soul) is taken by
(messengers of ym-raaj
(Death) at the behest of
and chiTRgupta
who is the book-keeper of all kARm of every
aat`maa in every life-journey.....and
in Hell the aat`maa is made to realize that if you harm others you
have to experience the same harm somewhere, sometime in your future
tomorrow which could be future life-journeys in infinite variety of
bodies....and this message is relayed in 30 kror (330 million)
techniques of what we humans call "punishment"...but which is really
"teachings"...and these teachings last for at least 30 times the
duration of the harm actually imparted to others because in Hell each
day is equivalent to 30 humans days.....
In the left- lane, fast-paced current life-style in western civilization with
single focus of power and wealth procurement for ONE-SELF at any cost.....just
to continue the theme of this news story which is HUSBAND-WIFE bond which is the
fundamental bond of family, society and nation.... which creates and preserves the
sacredness of life for a happier tomorrow if nothing else...PVAF re-presents the
vows taken by a bride and bridegroom in a vEDik marriage ceremony called
sp`t-pdi (walking seven steps together)....in most cultures it is recognized
that true and lasting friendship can be formed by two persons walking together
three steps....
.....please click on the next line to enlighten YOURSELF of the
marriage vows of seven-steps....with a prayer that this understanding and
application of this understanding everyday in life will make each tomorrow of
YOUR marriage happier than today....

A vEDik vivaaH ceremony
sp`t-pDi viDHi
vivaaH sNskaar
(marriage) is the 15th of the total of 16
sNskaar a personal living
vEDik lifestyle person undergoes from conception to
death. A sNskaar is a rite
ceremony performed on a person as prescribed in
vED and shaasTR
to pass from one stage of life to another such as conception, pre-birth,
birth, first haircut, first eating of food other than mother's milk,
starting and completing education....sNskaar
ceremonies include acknowledging and requesting with prayers, yGN,
offerings and mNTR continuing relationship with
DEv (gods) and DEvii (goddesses)
who provide all the functional powers and sustenance a physical human
body needs to live, piTRUo
(ancestors) who bless the family lineage with prosperity,
guru (teachers) who provide
education and knowledge and parents.....
viDHi consists of bride and bridegroom walking seven
steps together making seven commitments to each other by which they
would live their wedded life. This viDHi
(rite) is performed towards the end of the
vivaaH and completion of this
rite sanctifies and seals the vivaaH
as valid under the prescription of vED
and shaasTR which
prescribes the sciences of creation and life and by which all humanity
should live their various lifestyles and life stages for harmonious
co-existence among humanity and with all other creations.
In this sp't-pDi viDHi
the bridegroom is assumed as the manifestation of
viSH`ANu who is the protector
and sustainer of the world.
ekmise vishnustava nayatu"
ekmise vishnustava nayatu"
"I ask you to step into the first circle to
request you to look after my household property including all
the sustenance stored in there".
"You are putting under my care whatever
wealth and sustenance you have in your house. With this
responsibility, I will truly serve your parents, sister and
other relatives". |
"I ask you to step into the second circle
to strengthen me in every kARm
to be performed by me. "
"My husband, you now look stronger than ever
before. Therefore, I will be respected in my father-in-law's
While nurturing and nourishing your family, I
will make the foundation of the family sturdier. I will always
be sweet-tongued. I will never utter a single biting word. In
adversity I will be forbearing. In your happiness I will be
happy. In your unhappiness I will be unhappy."
"I ask you to step into the third circle for
I, your husband, who is for you an
embodiment of viSH`ANu,
expressly herewith make you the mistress of my property"
" I will always stay pure in my mind for you
and you will be my only kaam-saathi
(lover). No other man will ever enter my mind." |
"I ask you to step into the fourth circle for
our mutual happiness.
Whatever is conducive to my well-being is now
totally dependant on you".
"All my adornments will all be to please you
and for our mutual kaam-kriyaa
(activities of pleasures and recreation).
These adornments will include the chaandalo,
the sixteen kinds of make-up with flowers, jewellery, clothes,
perfumes, etc".
"I request you to enter the fifth circle for
the well-being of my power, property and means to provide for my
family's lively-hood, growth and prosperity.
You will be the care-giver to that power,
property and the means I possess".
"I, along with my friends, will always
zealously worship and pray for your well-being and the
well-being of your power, property and means to provide for our
family." |
"I now want you to step into the sixth circle
for you to always enjoy pleasures of the six seasons".
"Wherever you are, either performing
yGN or
kARm, I will be there
to serve you and render you all possible help". |
"I request you to step into the final seventh
circle thus becoming my friend forever.
As my friend, I request you to represent me in
this world and also in all the seven worlds. You will represent
me with your pti-vRt
(fidelity), DHARm
(righteousness) and nmRtaa
(humbleness), lj`jaa
(sacredness) and
mARyaaDaa (limits of
You will represent me with your
pti-vRt (fidelity),
DHARm (righteousness)
and nmRtaa
(humbleness), lj`jaa
(sacredness) and mARyaaDaa
(limits of DHARm) and
thus be famous among all for this".
O, pti-DEv
( epithet for husband), today my joys have no bounds because:
- "All those present here are witnesses to
our marriage today; and
- "That today you became my husband at this
viDHi performed
strictly in accordance with vEDik injunctions ordained by
.......om shaanti
shaanti.....om tt st....
om shaanti
shaanti.....om tt st....
1. The above is life educational preparation by
SHRii Champaklal Dajibhai Mistry, PVAF
Chair for Education Development from "The Vivaah" by Pundit Bhaiyaram
Sarma, Translated by R. C. Prasad.
2. These mNTR for
sp't-pDi viDHi are as
collected and compiled by Ramdata from sNskrut into Hindi in
accordance with prskr grHy-suTR
3.. The presentation above is of "draft" nature and
the final version is being prepared for more refinement of understanding
the meaning and essence of the viDHi.
However, the essence of the principles of
viDHi remains unchanged. The refinement will be for
including more sNskrut words
in the text with equivalent English meanings as many
sNskrut language words can
not be translated directly into English due to lack of the concepts
thereof in English culture and lifestyle.
4. All sNskrut words in bold, italics transliterated
into English. The pronunciation of the transliteration can be studied in
the transliteration table on this PVAF web site under VEDA page by
5. Original Posting: August 3, 2006: Update:
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