The Sanskrit word Ved means knowledge. Knowledge of the Creator and His
creations...knowledge with which He creates, sustains and dissolves this
universes and everything in the universes.... from the smallest sub-atomic
particle yet to be discovered to the unimaginable galaxies with billion of suns
and solar systems....
Prajapati Vishva Ashram is today very blessed to present on this
universe-wide platform, the very tiny-est first of the infinite stream of
knowledge gleamed from Ved which has been given to us by our creator. This
infinite stream of knowledge is right before us all....but most of us cannot see
much although we have eyes, most of us cannot hear or receive proper and enough
although we have ears, most of us cannot touch all and everything although our
body's largest organ, skin, has the sense of all imaginable touch, most of us
cannot taste but a few tastes although we have a million taste buds in our mouth
to taste a million tastes ; most of cannot smell except for the few atoms
although our nose has the capacity to smell a million billion different
Why so?....The answer is simple.... we just do not have the willingness and
determination to learn and acquire the knowledge to do all of the above. Add to
this the modern excuse of not having time to learn.....again why?
The answer is again simple....our God is not any more our creator and
sustainer... but, of course, our God is the mighty dollar or the pound or
the rupee or whatever BUYS our WANTS of life....
The Glossary on Isvar is the first compilation to lead us systematically and
scientifically to the KNOWLEDGE we, as a human race, have been desperately
searching forever but unknowingly...we seem to be stumbling upon knowledge when
we suffer...and want to get rid of our suffering...but there is another way
without suffering and is called ....asking for knowledge through bhakti or
devotional knowing of our Creator.... May He bless us with His Knowledge
in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, centuries, millenniums
and eons to that we alleviate our suffering to live in eternal
The tiny-est first particle of the infinite stream of knowledge starts
today with the overview of Isvar..... the name given to the Creator........ Your
contribution, constructive comments, constructive views, constructive
debates, questions...simple anything to start filling up the reservoir of knowledge drop by
drop will be blessed by all the humanity. Please direct any and all of these