HOUSEHOLD TIPS....for keeping you happy at home and making all your home-work fun with COMMONSESE LIFE BAKING SODA POWERS....
Posted by Vishva News Reporter on October 31, 2010


(Use PVAF new publishing feature of hyperlinked words to know in-depth what the knowledge-bearing words in the news-knowledge sharing really will be surprised how much you can still learn on any day in your life regardless of who you are or how old you are...)


....Your life at home makes your life
at work, studies, play, in community and nation...

The more happier you are at home
the more you will succeed outside your home

in whatever life-paths
you chose to travel daily in your entire life....

One evening a husband, thinking he was being funny, said to his wife, “Perhaps we should start washing your clothes in Slim Fast. Maybe it would take a few inches off of your butt!”

His wife was not amused, and decided that she simply couldn’t let such a comment go unrewarded.

The next morning the husband took a pair of underwear out of his drawer. “What the Hell is this?” he said to himself as a little dust cloud appeared when he shook them out. He hollered into the bathroom for his wife and said, “why did you put talcum powder in my underwear?”

She replied, “It’s not talcum powder… it’s Miracle Grow”.....
Now please click on the next line to get serious about our homemaking learning about how many ways you can use sodium bicarbonate...commonly known as baking soda, bread soda, cooking soda....which is very cheap and green compared to other chemical compounds that capitalism sells for an arm and a leg...and we pay for them willingly and sometimes stupidly....


...and it is also the Green Knowledge to
Protect and Preserve Our Mother Earth....
   Welcome to Household Solutions                                 IamUnusual
How do I love baking soda?
....Columnist counts the ways she favours
sodium bicarbonate....

(From: Edmonton Journal, Alberta Canada: 30 Oct 2010:   Reena Nerbas
Reena 208
Reena Nerbas graduated from University of Manitoba with a degree in Clothing/Textiles/Foods/Nutrition and Business Administration. After marrying and having four children, she has had many (MANY) opportunities to test solutions on stains, odors solutions while repairing items all over not only the house but the entire yard. In February 2003 Reena was offered her first newspaper column with Manitoba’s largest newspaper. Since that time she has become a nationally syndicated newspaper columnist. She also writes for national websites and has contributed to Canadian Living Magazine, Home Basics, Today’s Parent and Home Trends magazine as well as numerous other publications. As a regular guest on radio stations across Canada and the U.S. Reena has appeared on television shows such as Canada AM, The Steven & Chris Show, Breakfast Television, Good Morning Canada and City Cooks.” Starting as a children's book author, Reena has written 3 National Best selling books, “Household Solutions 1 with Substitutions and Household Solutions 2 with Kitchen Secrets” and Household Solutions, with Green Alternatives. All are sold across Canada and the U.S. Reena has appeared as a keynote speaker at large events such as: The National Home Show, The Edmonton Home Show, The Victoria Home Show, Manitoba Ag. Days, Western Progress, Women’s Farm Conference’s, The Winnipeg Home and Bridal Expo. A popular key note topic, Reena is often asked to speak on how she got and how to make the most of opportunities that come your way. For more information, visit Welcome to Household Solutions

Baking soda does more than just deodorize fridges. Baking soda, a.k.a. sodium bicarbonate, is a naturally occurring substance found in all living things, where it helps regulate their pH balance.

Here are just some of the uses for baking soda:

Gargle with baking soda and water to soothe a sore throat.

-   Use baking soda as a substitute for toothpaste.

-   To kill germs, soak your toothbrush in water and baking soda following a cold or flu.

-   For bug bites, mix baking soda with a small amount of water. Apply the paste to the bites.

-    If you burn the inside of a cooking pot, sprinkle he pot with baking soda and half fill with water. Place the pot on the stove and let the water boil for 5 minutes to help loosen the burnt contents.

-    Cabbage will be more tender if you add half teaspoon of baking soda to the cooking water.

-    Sprinkle baking soda on the fat of pork chops to help make it crispy.

-    Pour half a box of baking soda into your dishwasher’s soap dispenser to give the dishwasher a good cleaning.

-   Deodorize the bathroom by mixing baking soda with bath salts. Leave the combination in an attractive open container on the toilet tank or counter.

-   Sprinkle baking soda on your dog and brush him/her to remove odours.

-   You can extend the life of fresh flowers by adding baking soda to the water in the vase.

-    Use baking soda instead of fabric softener in he rinse cycle.

-   Test baking soda for freshness by pouring a few drops of vinegar onto a half teaspoon baking soda. If the mixture bubbles, the baking soda is still fresh.

-  A pinch of baking soda added to a gallon of freshly brewed ice tea removes bad-tasting tannins and prevents cloudiness.

Did you know there’s a difference between baking soda and baking powder? -    Baking soda is 100-per-cent pure sodium bicarbonate. Baking powder is a mixture of baking soda and various acidic ingredients.

-    Both baking soda and baking powder are considered leavening agents, used in baking to help dough rise. As they are fundamentally different products, you cannot substitute baking soda for baking powder in a recipe.

You can, however, make a baking-powder substitute using baking soda. To make the equivalent of 1 teaspoon (5 mL) baking powder, mix 5/8 teaspoons (3 mL) of cream of tartar with 1/4 teaspoon (1 mL) baking soda.

(extracted  and copy-pasted for this news on hyperlink to read the latest edited veriosn of the whole article on Wikipedia..)

Medical uses (Please consult your doctor prior to use)

Sodium bicarbonate is used in an aqueous solution as an antacid taken orally to treat acid indigestion and heartburn.[8] It may also be used in an oral form to treat chronic forms of metabolic acidosis such as chronic renal failure and renal tubular acidosis. Sodium bicarbonate may also be useful in urinary alkalinization for the treatment of aspirin overdose and uric acid renal stones. It is used a the medicinal ingredient in gripe water for infants.[9]


An aqueous solution is sometimes administered intravenously for cases of acidosis, or when there are insufficient sodium or bicarbonate ions in the blood.[10] In cases of respiratory acidosis, the infused bicarbonate ion drives the carbonic acid/bicarbonate buffer of plasma to the left and, thus, raises the pH. It is for this reason that sodium bicarbonate is used in medically supervised cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Infusion of bicarbonate is indicated only when the blood pH is marked (<7.1-7.0) low.[11]


It is used as well for treatment of hyperkalemia. Since sodium bicarbonate can cause alkalosis, it is sometimes used to treat aspirin overdoses. Aspirin requires an acidic environment for proper absorption, and the basic environment diminishes aspirin absorption in the case of an overdose. Sodium bicarbonate has also been used in the treatment of tricyclic antidepressant overdose.[12] It can also be applied topically as a paste, with three parts baking soda to one part water, to relieve insect bites.[13]


Adverse reactions to the administration of sodium bicarbonate can include metabolic alkalosis/a>, edema due to sodium overload, congestive heart failure, hyperosmolar syndrome, hypervolemic hypernatremia, and hypertension due to increased sodium. In patients who consume a high calcium or dairy-rich diet, calcium supplements, or calcium-containing antacids such as calcium carbonate (e.g., Tums), the use of sodium bicarbonate can cause milk-alkali syndrome, which can result in metastatic calcification, kidney stones, and kidney failure..


Sodium bicarbonate is also used as an ingredient in some mouthwashes. It works as a mechanical cleanser on the teeth and gums, neutralizes the production of acid in the mouth and also as an antiseptic to help prevent infections occurring.


Sodium bicarbonate can be used to cover an allergic reaction of poison ivy, oak, or sumac to relieve some of the itching that is associated with it (an alternative to buying hydrocortisone cream).[14]


Sodium bicarbonate can be used as an exfoliant. Its particles are rounded and fine in texture, making it both effective and gentle on the skin. Using baking soda as an exfoliating scrub will remove dead skin cells, which can be discolored from hyperpigmentation and scarring.


A paste made from sodium bicarbonate and a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution can be used as an alternative to commercial non-fluoride toothpastes, and sodium bicarbonate in combination with other ingredients can be used to make a dry or wet deodorant.


Sodium bicarbonate is a common ingredient in alternative and natural brands of toothpaste and deodorant. It may also be used as a shampoo. [15]


Soda loading

Small amounts of sodium bicarbonate have been shown to be useful as a supplement for endurance athletes,[16] but overdose is a serious risk.[17]


As a cleaning agent

A paste from baking soda can be very effective when used in cleaning and scrubbing.[18]


For cleaning aluminium objects, the use of sodium bicarbonate is discouraged as it attacks the thin unreactive protective oxide layer of this otherwise very reactive metal. A solution in warm water will remove the tarnish from silver when the silver is in contact with a piece of aluminium foil.[19]


Baking soda is commonly added to the rinse cycles of washing machines (together with the detergent) as a replacement for softener and also to remove odors. Sodium bicarbonate is also effective in removing heavy tea and coffee stains from cups when diluted with warm water.


Cattle feed supplement

Sodium bicarbonate is sold as a cattle feed supplement, in particular as a buffering agent for the rumen.



Sodium bicarbonate can be used to extinguish small grease or electrical fires by being thrown over the fire.[5] However, it should not be applied to fires in deep fryers as it may cause the grease to splatter.[5]


Sodium bicarbonate is used in BC dry chemical fire extinguishers as an alternative to the more corrosive ammonium phosphate in ABC extinguishers.


The alkali nature of sodium bicarbonate makes it the only dry chemical agent, besides Purple-K, that was used in large scale fire suppression systems installed in commercial kitchens. Because it can act as an alkali, the agent has a mild saponification effect on hot grease, which forms a smothering soapy foam.


Dry chemicals have since fallen out of favor for kitchen fires as they have no cooling effect compared to the extremely effective wet chemical agents specifically designed for such hazards.[citation needed]


Sodium bicarbonate is used in a process for cleaning paint called sodablasting.


 It can be administered to pools, spas, and garden ponds to raise pH levels.[20] It has disinfectant and antiseptic properties,[21] and it may be an effective fungicide against some organisms.[22]


Since it acts as a neutralizing agent it can be used to absorb odors which are caused due to strong acids.[23] It is a tried-and-true method of used booksellers. The baking soda will absorb the musty smell, leaving the books less odorous.[24]


Miss Fix-It

HouseholdTips                     SuzySaidCoolGracea>

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