Another upgrade in the continuing upgrade of this web site of Prajapati
Vishva Ashram. Now any one can post a comment to any news item on the
News Board of this web site. This upgrade empowers everyone to share his/her
knowledge of the subject with the rest of the mankind. It also empowers one to
teach, to correct a mistake, to offer something to someone, to even post prayers
to some cause or someone.... short it will enable YOU to perfrom any or all of the panch mahaa-yagna
a person is ordained by ved shastra to perfrom daily or whenever one can in our
present kali-yug mode of life.....please participate.
This feature is being expanded to all posting on this web site as per our web
master, shree bhavin champaklal mistry.......
We extend our prayers to our web master shree bhavin champaklal mistry for
his continuing sevaa of continually upgrading this web site as per user
demand and ask bhagvaan to nourish him as per slok 3.12 of bhagvad gitaa
in TODAY'S PRAYER whereby it says that devo gives us all what we desire
when we give back even a little...may devo grant all desires of