With bhagvaan's krupaa (grace) Prajaapati
Vishva Ashram (PVA) has had a
very dynamic growth since its birth some 4 years ago. PVA has started social
programs to empower prajaapatio and mankind to proper by themselves along with
their families and communities on this planet earth. The driving and empowering
force behind PVA is ved in sanskrit which means knowledge. The
primary mandate of PVA is also bringing this knowledge to all who are
willing to receive the knowledge. The carrier of this knowledge is this web site
of PVA.
Saying the above, PVA's web site has been, once again, upgraded through
expansion of VED page. Now the VED page will have
subject driven articles to learn LIFE SCIENCES. Please visit the VED
page regularly to prosper in life through gaining more and more knowledge......
PVA appreciates the efforts of shree champaklal
dajibhai mistry of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada who is the volunteer
leader for establishing the VED page. Also as usual, PVA's web master bhavin
champaklal mistry gets blessing from one and all for enabling the
expansion of the VED page......