In my study of ved, I have been encountering more and more of current
science.....SURPRISED...YES I AM TOO....
.....although current physical science is just a tiny part of the entire
knowledge contained in ved...however, for us in the current 21st century current
physical science is everything...IT IS EVEN CHALLENGING THE EXISTENCE OF
GOD......because it has extended our life spans, eliminated diseases, given us
high-tech houses to live in, high-tech means of transportation....through genome
projects it is trying to lead us to the fundamentals of creation at the physical
...but still current science cannot daily feed half of the population in the
world with three meals a day.....WHY?... physical science is not moving into the
domain OF OUR SPIRIT... which is unseen, unheard, unthought, unconceivable....
but ved says that the spirit domain supports the physical domain....that is why
when science regresses to find the genesis of any phenomenon it finally stops
with no answer.....that is were ved comes in....ved can take you into
physical as well as domain of the spirit ....both of which exists in a seamless
SPACE.......A good way to start travel into ved is to travel through the NASA
web site and have a feeling how little man knows about the universe....but
when one starts studying ved, one immediately feels that universe is
quite knowable.....the following statement on the NASA's astronomy page aptly
describes this phenomenon....
"Since the earliest days, humans have been fascinated (and sometimes frightened) by the sky. Modern science helps us understand the tremendous forces that are at work in the daytime and nighttime skies. Since we don't spend as much time looking up as our ancestors did much of the fascination is gone. But to those who enjoy the show that the skies present, Science @ NASA brings the heavens down to Earth. Stories about the sun, moon, planets, auroras, meteors and other features of the sky will help you understand and enjoy the show!....
And NASA's vision statement for future is so vedik: To improve life here;
To extend life to there; To find life beyond.....only if we learn
ved......try clicking on this NASA Web
first experience the current knowledge of space....and let us know at AASHRAM
NEWS what you find.....