The inspiration to have a world wide community of prajaapatio
on a world wide platform was conceived as inspired by brhmah
in December 1997 as a web site. And the inspirational conception took till
December 2001 to be officially born with a birth certificate as an entity called
Prajaapati Vishva Aashram Foundation (PVAF)
registered in the province of Alberta, Canada.
brhmah, the universal creator, creates creations
in this universe inspired by only one
purpose: to perform sevaa meaning service for the kalyaan meaning
total welfare for well-being and prosperity of all creations. So
there cannot be any other purpose for the creation of PVAF.
Thus, automatically the purpose of PVAF is to provide all the estimated 2.5
million prajaapatio around the world a borderless common platform to
exist on this planet earth. This world wide platform is to enable all
prajaapatio to co-exist harmoniously with each other and the rest of the
humanity. By harmonious co-existence prajaapatio can empower themselves
individually and collectively to help each other to evolve, progress and prosper
in life no matter where one is on this planet earth.
Thus, a prajaapati should never ever feel lonely and helpless. And in
the same spirit universally no human being should feel lonely and helpless.
Each prajaapati has his/her own sva-dharma
to follow. And each one must live with all other fellow creations on universal dharma
which is based on ritt (natural laws)
and satya (Truth). The sva-dharma
also dictates that every prajaapati must co-exist and concurrently
help fellow human beings to evolve, progress and prosper. With all of this
basic purposes in mind, PVAF has been slowly growing its ruup (form).
This ruup is being slowly but surely structured and shaped by so many
prajaapatio and the rest of the humankind based on the above