om namo brhmahye namah......
sanak-muni, the mind born son of brahmaa-dev
explains in naarad puraan slok 1.25.6 about the SshraaDdh
offering to celebrate attaining unexpected prosperity or glory:
"One should perfrom the vruDdhi SshraaDdh either
with gold or silver. He who performs vruDdhi SshraaDdh
with cooked food shall be on a par with a chaaNdaal."
(vruDdhi here refers to
the following in life: growth, increase, development, increase in wealth or
prosperity or affluence, profit, gain. chaaNdaal is a person who is
outcast from the society because of his wicked or cruel karma or adharmik
way of life or is an outcast person born of mixed marriage between a sudra
man and a braahman woman.)
...Please click on the next line to learn more about the vruDdhi