om namo brhmahye namah......
sanak-muni, the mind born son of brahmaa-dev
explains in naarad puraan slok 1.25.83-84 that
the SshraaDdh
offering is ......
"In reality, vishnu-dev (in the naam
(name) and ruup (form) of brhmah)
has been worshipped by those who worship pitruo.
If the ishvar (Lord) of the universe is pleased, the devo
and devio are also
pleased. (ishvar of the universe is
It is sanaatan (eternal) hari-self
(= brhmah-self) who manifests as pitruo,
devo and devio, gandharva, apsaraa,
yaKSsha, siddha and human beings."
We all at PVAF convey pranaam to
our guru Dr. G. V. Tagore from whose
English translation of the sanskrit naarad puraan we have been
blessed with the above knowledge of how SshraaDdh
offering to our pitruo for the fortune of acquiring all the prosperity,
growth and glory in life ......the above slok is expanded with explanatory prose to
make our learning and understanding easier...also explanatory prose in included
in brackets to give backgrounder ved knowledge to provide supplementary explanation
for increasing the depth of our knowledge of life sciences...... brhmah namah....
....our guru brhmah.. tat shaanti shaanti....