nav-raatrii and divaali
are bhakti days
..this aaso month is to full of knowledge based celebrations
learn that living by dharma relieves one from the pain of dukh
(pain and sorrow) in life...bhakti
is the way to live by dharma..
...shree raam set an example of dong bhakti to...
durgaa-maataa to be empowered to
destroy raavan and his kingdom of asuraao for nine days which we
celebrate as nav-raatri days....and
on the tenth day is raavan's fall celebrated as dasheraa......
..and the end of the year celebrated as divaali days
is in preparation of the coronation of shree raam as king of ayodhyaa
on the new year day...remembering it for the 2059th time in this era....but
again during divaali days we also perfrom bhakti to various
manifestations of brhmah's shaktio...sarasvati-devi,
laxmi-devi, kaali-maataa, and all
other shaktio which empowers us to
breathe and live as per our own selected path of karmik
All volunteers at PVAF
prays for
all those who have made the baby PVAF
into a vibrant and growing sevaa samaaj it
is today
.... for blessing from brhmah..
. for
their continual empowerment to live a life of
sva-dharma of not to injure anybody in life through thoughts,
words and deeds
of yug-dharma which stipulate giving
of daan by sharing whatever wealth
one can with those who need wealth in this kali-yug
as the ordained dharmik activity...
. tat shaanti.... shaanti...