WHAT IS GRAVITY.....HOW DOES BRHMAH CREATES GRAVITY?.....study ved....to find the answer....
Posted by Champaklal Dajibhai Mistry on November 22, 2002

Those of us who have the knowledge called current science would have heard about GRAVITY......the force in the universe which basically keeps every object in its motion....but do we really know what gravity is and what creates it and how does it operate....not really.....

....Newton acknowledged the existence of gravity some 300 years ago....and then Newton's definition of what gravity is got shattered by Einstein...who defined gravity as a phenomenon of space's curving rather than just attraction between two bodies as defined by Newton.....

...so now our creator brhmah has taken us two steps in search of this tiny bit of knowledge about the infinite variety of creation and creative forces of brhmah.... but it is so amazing that we humans have the capability to use such tiny bit of knowledge in what most of us call amazing feats....amazing because most of us do not have the knowledge of this amazing feat.....

....Prajapati Vishva Aashram Foundation has the mandate to inspire YOU to go after acquiring this thing called GNAAN = KNOWLEDGE of the creation....shree krishna has said in bhagvat gitaa that GNAAN IS THE ONLY THING IN THE UNIVERSE WHICH WILL REDUCE YOUR DUKH (pain and suffering)...Jesus Christ recently said that KNOWLEDGE SHALL SET YOU FREE....

YOU can sample the power of GNAAN = KNOWLEDGE by clicking on the next line how mankind has used the tiny bit of knowledge about gravity to create a force to propel spacecraft with using brhmah's gravitation force......  




See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download 
 the highest resolution version available. Sail On, Stardust
Credit & Copyright: Gordon Garradd

Explanation: Spacecraft on long interplanetary voyages often use the planets themselves as gravitational "sling shots" to boost them along their way. Launched in February of 1999 on a historic voyage to a comet, the Stardust spacecraft is no different. On 15 January 2001 Stardust made its closest approach to planet Earth since launch, coming within about 6,000 kilometers of the surface. It used this gravity assist maneuver to increase its speed and alter its trajectory toward an encounter with comet Wild 2, which it should reach in 2004. Shortly before its time of closest approach, astronomer Gordon Garradd recorded this exposure of Stardust sailing through the skies above Loomberah, Australia. Nearby and moving fast, the spacecraft appears as a streak against a background of faint stars in the constellation Cetus. Stardust cruised within just 98,000 kilometers of the Moon about 15 hours later. After collecting dust from the tail of comet Wild 2, Stardust's voyage will continue -- as it returns the samples to Earth in 2006.


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