Posted by Ashram News Reporter on December 11, 2002


The first venue of implementation of Education Program of Prajaapati Vishva Aashram Foundation (PVAF) is the state of gujaraat  in bhaarat (India)

  In the last 3 years PVAF has fundraised for the following education related activities:

  • Provided 21 computers at for communities to connect themselves worldwide;
  • Provided three 4-year full scholarships for university degrees for financially strapped students;
  • Provided funds for furniture and potable water well pump for a school.

PVAF is continuing to target to fund-raise 1 KAROR RUPEES A YEAR for PVAF GUJARAAT EDUCATION PROGRAM. Volunteers at PVAF believe that the donors, volunteers and resource providers of PVAF must know the people and the place where their kind and generous donation is going to  educate the needy students from kindergarten to university levels. To this end, PVAF will feature regularly from today publish information on gujaraat and the places where the 1 KAROR RUPEES A YEAR PVAF GUJARAAT EDUCATION PROGRAM is creating a new future with literacy and prosperity for people who have been suffering in generation after generation poverty due to illiteracy....  

In previous postings on this web site, demographics of gujaraat was published. Here is some of the current and historical information about gujaraat state:

  • 2001 census population of gujaraat was 50,656,000 which is 4.93 percent of the total population of bhaarat of 1,027,074,000. This 2001 population is an increase of about 18 percent in the previous 10 years. This population lives in 75,686 sq mile area means population density is about 669 persons per sq mile.
  • gujaraat was constituted in 1960 from the gujaraati-speaking areas in the northern and western portions of the former state of mumbai
  • Archaeological discoveries have linked gujaraat with the Indus valley civilization (c.3,000–1,500 B.C.).
  • Archaeological discoveries have suggested that it was a part of the mauryan empire (c.320–185 B.C.).
  • The gujaraat region was the center of Jainism under the raajput caulukya dynasty (11th-12th cent.), which fell (1298) to the Delhi Sultanate. In 1390, gujaraat became an independent sultanate.
  •  Its immense wealth invited attack from western invaders throughout the current 1st and 2nd millennium and in 1509 the Portuguese wrested from it the colony of diu (see daman and diu).
  • In 1572 the sultanate was annexed to the mughal empire. maraathaa were powerful in the area in the first half of the 18th century.
  • The British East India Company took over control of the region in 1818. Under the British much of the region retained its local princely rulers.
  •  In 1947 the region was organized into the state of Bombay. Bombay state was divided into the states of gujaraat and mahaaraashtra in 1956.
  • gujaraat is governed by a chief minister and cabinet responsible to a unicameral elected legislature and by a governor appointed by the president of bhaarat (India).
  • The population is concentrated in the cities of amdaavaad, Surat, Barodaa, Bhaavnagar, Raajkot, and Jaamnagar. The capital is the new, planned city of Gandhinagar. 
  • The coastal city of alang has an immense yard for dismantling and scrapping old ships.
  • gir National Park, located in the state, is home to the last surviving Asiatic lions. 
  •  gujaraat is the center of the Indian cotton-textile industry.
  • gujaraat is the world's largest industrial diamond producing centre based in surat. 


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