Tamil Nadu's Ancient Cities May Predate
Mesopotamian Civilization
CHENNAI, INDIA, January 5, 2003: A British marine archaeologist Graham Hancock
has been examining a submerged city on the East Coast of Tamil Nadu. Mr. Hancock
says a civilization thriving there may predate the Sumerian civilization of
Mesopotamia in present-day Iraq and definitely existed before the Harappan
civilization in India and Pakistan.
He has been excavating the site off the coast of Poompuhar, near
Nagapattinam, 400 km south of Chennai. At a meeting of the Mythic Society in
Bangalore in early December, Mr. Hancock said underwater explorations in 2001
provided evidence that corroborated Tamil mythological stories of ancient
floods. He said tidal waves of 400 feet or more could have swallowed this
flourishing port city any time between 17,000 and 7,000 years ago, the date of
the last Ice Age.
The Gulf of Cambay was also submerged, taking with it evidence of early man's
migration. The populations Mr. Wells and Mr. Pitchappan (see previous article)
mapped settled on India's East Coast 50,000 to 35,000 years ago and developed
into modern man. According to Hancock, "the Poompuhar underwater site could well
provide evidence that it was the cradle of modern civilization."
Hancock's theory is strengthened by findings of India's National Institute of
Oceanography (NIO), which has explored the site since the 1980s. Man-made
structures like well rims, horseshoe-shaped building sites are some of the lost
city's secrets. At low tide, some brick structures from the Sangam era are still
visible in places like Vanagiri.
The region, archaeologists say, has been built over and over again through
the ages and some of its past is now being revealed. Mr. Glenn Milne, a British
geologist from Durham University, has confirmed Hancock's theory....As per