Three guys show up at the gates of heaven, a carpenter, a lawyer, and a
preacher. St. Peter is taking them to their residences. First stop is at a huge,
beautiful house for the carpenter. When they get to the second stop is for the
lawyer. The place is fantastic with a welcoming crowd, a choir of angels and a
great celebration. The preacher thinks, "I'll really get a great place." They
arrive at a modest cottage for the preacher. Puzzled, the preacher asks, "i
don't want to complain, but why did the carpenter get a better house since I
have been pious and a supporter of the Lord." St. Peter says, "Well, Jesus was a
carpenter and he always loves carpenters." The preacher says, "That makes sense
but I don't understand the grand party and fantastic house for the lawyer." St.
Peter says, "Oh, that's easy to explain, he's the first lawyer to ever make it
up here."