Television along with internet is bringing the whole world into everyone's
home...and the whole world inlcudes the good, bad and ugly...
With the modern trends of both parents becoming more interested in making
money rather than individually and jointly performing their roles of father and
mother, there is hardly any time to put in time to raise children that was done
in veDik lifestyle of 3 or 4
generations ago....parenting was a very defined
DHARm of a father and a mother...each parent had definite and
non-overlapping roles in raising children....father provided the wealth to raise
the child with imparting of veD and
mother gave the child sNskruti
meaning morality, ethics, codes of personal, family and social behaviour,
etiquettes and developed the emotional and spiritual parts of a child. The
father looked after the physical and intellectual part of the child's growth
through veD which is life sciences
and wisdom of experience....
New studies say:
Both boys and girls who watch a lot of
violence on television have a heightened risk of aggressive
adult behavior including spouse abuse and
criminal offenses, no matter how they act in
The American Psychological Association, has concluded that
viewing violence on TV or other mass media does
promote aggressive behavior, particularly in
children. Other mental-health and medical groups have taken similar stands.
Please click on the next line to read more on the above in a news item
the preceding red hilite....and studying veD
and teaching it to your children along with living a
veDik lifestyle will still let you make
as much money as you want to make but you will have a future generation who
believes in sv-DHARm of moral and
ethical behaviour in life leading to peace and harmony with prosperity on this
planet earth....
Adult aggression, children’s TV tied |
Long-term study links violence and television |
young boys watch a Pokemon video at their home in Des Plaines, Ill.
Children who watch violent TV shows have an increased risk of developing
aggressive behavior in adulthood, a study finds.
March 10 — Both
boys and girls who watch a lot of violence on television have a
heightened risk of aggressive adult behavior including spouse abuse and
criminal offenses, no matter how they act in childhood, a new study
says. While the results may not be surprising, experts say the study is
important because it included hundreds of participants, and showed the
effect in females as well as males. |
Huesmann said televised violence suggests to young children that aggression
is appropriate in some situations, especially when it is used by charismatic
PARTICIPANTS were interviewed from ages 6 to 9, and again in their early
20s, making the study one of the few to follow children into adulthood to
gauge the long-term effects of televised violence.
The findings are presented in the March issue of the journal
Developmental Psychology by psychologists L. Rowell Huesmann and colleagues
at the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research.
Huesmann said televised violence suggests to young children that
aggression is appropriate in some situations, especially when it is used by
charismatic heroes. It also erodes a natural aversion to violence, he said.
He recommended that parents restrict viewing of violent TV and movies
by young children and preteens as much as possible.
The analysis argued against the idea that aggressive children seek
out TV violence, or that the findings were due to the participants’
socioeconomic status or intelligence, or their parents’ childrearing
practices. |
The study involved
329 adults who were initially surveyed as children in the late 1970s.
Researchers interviewed them again as adults, along with their spouses or
friends, and checked crime records.
As children, the participants were rated for exposure to televised
violence after they chose eight favorite shows from 80 popular programs for
their age group and indicated how often they watched them. The programs were
assessed by researchers for amount of physical violence. Programs such as
“Starsky and Hutch,” “The Six Million Dollar Man” and Road Runner cartoons
were deemed very violent. |
As young adults, men in the study
who had scored in the top 20 percent on childhood exposure were about twice
as likely as other men to have pushed, grabbed or shoved their wives during
an argument in the year preceding the interview. Women who had scored in the
top 20 percent were about twice as likely as other women to have thrown
something at their husbands.
For one or both sexes, these “high TV-violence viewers” were also
more likely than other study participants in the previous 12 months to have
shoved somebody in anger; punched, beaten or choked an adult, or committed a
crime or a moving traffic violation.
Along with viewing of violent TV, the participants had been asked as
children how much they identified with violent TV characters and how
realistic they judged various violent TV shows to be. |
found that high ratings on any of the three childhood measures predicted
higher ratings of overall aggression in adulthood. It made no difference how
aggressive the participants had been as children.
Dennis Wharton, spokesman for the National Association of
Broadcasters, said not all studies find a link between TV viewing and
violent behavior. “I think the jury is still out about whether there is a
link,” he said.
The American Psychological Association, however, has concluded that
viewing violence on TV or other mass media does promote aggressive behavior,
particularly in children. Other mental-health and medical groups have taken
similar stands.
Joanne Cantor, professor emerita of communications at the University
of Wisconsin-Madison, said the new study was “a very strong addition to what
I consider a large amount of data that points in the same direction.”
© 2003 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may
not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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