A veDik year cycles annually from the day
bRHmaa-Dev started his creation cycle of
bRHmaa-din which is a day of
bRHmaa-dev = 4.32 billion years. This
day according to skND puraan is the
pRtipD or 1st day of
chaeeTR maas which is the 6th lunar
month in the current veDik calendar
started by vikRm raajaa 2059 years
The sunrise of this 1st day of chaeeTR maas
is when bRHmaa-Dev started the
present creation cylce of 4.32 billion year and hence the whole day is very
auspicious for mankind....To show reverence, respect and gratitude to the act of
creation which is always for the ultimate welfare of mankind today various
puujaa with
vRt are offered to all Devtaao
who empower all living beings with all the body functions they have....please
visit TODAY'S CALENDAR on this PVAF web
site to learn about the 6 seasons and the bhkti
we human beings should perform today and on other first days of
each of the 12 calendar months in the six season annual cylce....
Today is also start of vsNt RUtu
(spring season) according to veDik system of the
6 seasons in a year. Check out all the 6 seasons on
TODAY'S CALENDAR...this information will stay
daily in TODAY'S CALENDAR as standard
reference information.
On this auspicious today, with krupaa (grace) of our
creator bRHmH, PVAF has been
able to restart posting of TODAY'S veD LESSON.....and
we pray for its continuation on a regular basis... |