Since PVAF webmaster
SRii bhavin champaklal mistry did a
major revamp of this PVAF web site last year
to make it very interactive and with more features,
PVAF has been requesting all the
pRjaapati smaajo in the world to host themselves on this
web site. Through this web site hosting any smaaj
can publicize, promote and interact with anybody in the world 24
hours a day, every day of the year.....
On April 25, 2001, bilimora samaaj
in gujraat, India made history at
posting from bilimora a news item of
their own smaaj social
activity....please click on at the top of this page
to read about the most important sNskaar
in a veDik person's life....of
vivaaH = MARRIAGE....
We all at PVAF pray that
bilimora will post their news on a daily
basis...they are setting up a program at their PVAF sponsored computer centre to
teach and get the children who are learning IT to do daily posting as part of
their IT curriculum....
DHnyvaaD (Congratulations)
Bilimora Prajapati Vidhyarthi Ashram ....and
let this baby step bring you prosperity and progress with the help of the entire