Continuing the topic of
science of aaDH`yaa`tmaa posted as Part
1 and 2 on this knowledge-based web site PVAF....Today in Part 3 of this serial,
we continue learning the meaning of INTUITION =
aNtAR-GNaan from the
veDik library of
SRii chmpklaal Daajibhaai misTRii...
Please click on the next line to continue reading the
veDik interpretation aNtAR-GNaan......
The science of aaDH`yaa`tmaa states that when
there is a disconnect between the real "I" = YOUR
aat`maa (soul) and the mis-perceived "I" which is YOUR BODY
with a given name and form.....diseases show up in form of dysfunctions or
malfunctions of YOUR body....The knowledge of current science does not even
consider aat`maa = SOUL as an
integral major component of the existence of "I"...but then from whatever belief
system YOU have faith in YOUR CREATOR, there is always the belief in the
ultimate power which creates everything called
iss`vr = GOD = bhgvaan = ONE = bRH`m....veD states that the YOUR CREATOR
is YOUR INSTRUCTOR in life when it comes to making decisions about things YOU do
not know or understand or have never learned about....This instruction is called
In Part 2 we learned about what the current science explains mankind about
what INTUITION is.
The sNskrut equivalent of INTUITION = aNtAR-GNaan or shj-GNaan or shjjaav-boDH......
The meaning of aNtAR-GNaan
from veD is shared below:
This compound sNskrut word consists of 2 words:
aNtAR and
aNtAR as prefix to
GNaan means:
- GNaan
that is internal,
- GNaan
that comes from inside of oneself,
- GNaan
that comes from within oneself,
- GNaan
that resides in the interior of oneself,
- GNaan
that fills one's interior,
- GNaan
that is concealed within oneself,
- GNaan
that is secret within oneself.....
GNaan has the
following meanings:
1. GNaan means knowing; understanding; becoming acquainted with; acquired
2. GNaan means knowledge; learning
3. GNaan means
chaeetn`y (consciousness); cognizance
of the self as a creation and fellow creations and organs which empowers this
cognizance through 5 GNaanaeNDRRiyo
(organs of knowledge acquisition) which are:
1. SRot
(auditory or hearing system),
2. t`vk
(tactile or touch system),
3. chKSHu
(optical or vision system),
4. rsn (taste
system) and
5. gRAN
(olfactory or smell system).
The information from 5
GNaanaeNDRRiyo is then processed into knowledge by
mns (mind) and evaluated for its quality, purpose and application
by buDH`DHi. This information
in mns is also processed by one's aHNkaar
and chaetn.
4. GNaan is derived from the
DH`yaan, DHaarANaa and
smaaDHi stages of
aSHt-aNg yog which are deep meditations on
creator bRH`m....such DH`yaan,
DHaarANaa and smaaDHi leads to realization of the truth of oneself as an
aat`maa residing in various
bodies and traveling eternally with new and different bodies with
naam (name)
and ruup (form) in sNsaar...sNsaar means cyclic birth-death phenomenon by
which an aat`maa takes new bodies to partake the
kARm-fl (fruits of one's
kARm = all life actions)
of previous lives in previous bodies. This realization empowers one to realize
that what one calls oneself as "I" is not the physical body but an
aat`maa residing in the physical body. This realization then empowers one to understand
the relationship of one's aat`maa with one's creator bRH`m as
described in the 3 mHaa-vaak`y:
tt tvm asi = YOU
(as in aat'maa) ARE THAT (= bRH`m);
aHm bRH`msi
= I
AM bRH`m;
aHm aat`maa
bRH`m = MY aat`maa IS bRH`m.
Furthermore, this realization in the form of GNaan
also empowers one to realize
bRH`m is
from the mHaa-vaaky:
bRH`m =
bRH`m IS pRGnaa....(pRGnaa means
GNaan (knowledge) or chaeetn`y
The above is further extended in Devi puraaAN in the
aat`maa = aat`maa IS pRGnaa...
(pRGnaa means GNaan (knowledge) or
chaeetn`y (consciousness)).
GNaan as
defined above is veiled or hidden from one's aat`maa when an
aat`maa takes a body created by pRkruti. This veiling
is done by shk`ti (power) of
bRH`m called mHaa-maayaa. The
resulting state is termed as "aat`maa
is veiled by
This state of being in aviD`yaa makes an aat`maa
forget the knowledge of the 3 mHaa-vaak`y noted above.
5. GNaan
is referred to as all the knowledge contained in 4
veD. The knowledge contained in veD empowers
creation, sustenance of created and cyclic re-creation of all the universes and
everything in the universes.
Thus aNtAR-GNaan
means the knowledge of one's aat`maa and one's creator bRH`m. Both
aat'maa and bRH`m are omniscient meaning knowing all
that has been known, is known and will be known in the creation we call
universes. aNtAR-GNaan in essence
frees the embodied aat`maa from
aviDyaa. This freedom gives one's aat`maa the
state of being omniscient. Thus when one gets INTUITION
one is freed from aviD`yaa or becomes
omniscient and thus knows beyond the knowledge normally conveyed by the 5
GNaanaeNDRRiyo existing in one's physical body.
(The sharing of the meanings of sNskrut
equivalent of INTUITION will be
continued in the next posting in the light of the science of
aaDH`yaa`tmaa....This knowledge of
this series is posted on the veD page on
this web site for those who wish to study the entire proceeding on one page...)