Posted by Champaklal Dajibhai Mistry on September 30, 2003


In veD stsNg (learning and sharing) sessions hosted and moderated by PVAF since 1996, many times the participants have asked:

" why one cannot do what one really wants to do.... and one knows it to be the right thing to do... even if  doing it means going against the "standard" lifestyle in practice in a place at the time....

veDikly the answer is to do with one's kARm of past lives which creates the nature of one's ego = aHNkaar in one's current of the factors emanating from one's aHNkaar stopping one to do what is right is INFERIORITY COMPLEX ....

INFERIORITY COMPLEX means (from Webster's Third International Dictionary):

"an acute sense of personal inferiority resulting either in timidity or through overcompensation in exaggerated aggressiveness; broadly speaking a sense of being inferior or at a disadvantage; lack of assurance.

Below is a quote from Alfred Adler (1870-1937, an Austrian psychiatrist, psychologist and scientist) on inferiority complex:

"Everyone . . . has a feeling of inferiority.
But the feeling of
inferiority is not a disease;
 it is rather a stimulant to health, normal striving and development.

Inferiority complex becomes
 a pathological condition only when
 the sense of inadequacy overcomes the individual
 far from stimulating him to useful activity,
 makes him depressed and incapable of development."

In veD = SCIENCE OF CREATION AND LIFE inferiority complex is produced from the kARm-sNskaar-shesh which is the personal characteristics of a human being a the time of birth brought over from the kARm, kARm-fl, habits and traits of previous lives which stay in the continuing travels of one's aatmaa in various living bodies..... Inferiority complex works in the domains of aHNkaar in a person and is tempered by the domain of buDHDHi.....Please click on the next line to read the preceding veDik aspects in the current field of psychology and psychiatry which has quite a bit of Alfred Adler's thinking in understanding and treating inferiority complex...(PVAF invites YOU to join the stsNg on this on POST A COMMENT in the title of this posting and write away to share and learn...) 


(The current science relating to veDik concepts is highlighted in bold blue and red)

Alfred Adler was particularly interested in sibling relationships, birth order, and relationships with parents. He would ask patients about their early memories and use this information to analyze their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. He helped his patients by encouraging them to meet important life goals: love, work, and friendship.

For Adler and modern therapists who draw from his work, interest in others and participation in society are important goals of therapy. Adlerian therapists see therapy in part as educational, and they use a number of innovative action techniques to help patients change mistaken beliefs and interact more fully with family members and others.

Adler developed a theory of organic inferiority and compensation (hypertrophy), with the "masculine protest" as the natural outcome in male-dominated society.  Adler believed that the repression theory of Freud should be replaced with the concept of ego-defensive tendencies - the neurotic state derived from inferiority feelings and over compensation of the masculine protest.

Alfred Adler wrote a book defining his key ideas in 1912: Über den nervösen Charakter: He argued that human personality could be explained teleologically:  separate strands dominated by the guiding purpose of the individual's unconscious self ideal to convert feelings of inferiority to superiority (or rather completeness). The desires of the self ideal were countered by social and ethical demands. If the corrective factors were disregarded and the individual over-compensated then a inferiority complex would occur, the individual would become egocentric, power-hungry and aggressive or worse.


  • the philosophical study of evidences of design in nature;
  • the doctrine or belief that ends are immanent in nature (as in vitalism and holism);  a metaphysical doctrine explaining phenomena and events by final causes;
  • the fact or the character of being directed toward an end or shaped by a purpose used of natural processes or of nature as a whole conceived as determined by final causes or by the design of a divine Providence and opposed to purely mechanical determinism or causation exclusively by what is temporally antecedent; (veDik comment: majority of all that happens in one's current life is due to kARm-fl of previous lives to be partaken in the current life and can be said to be final causes mentioned herein)
  •  the use of design, purpose, or utility as an explanation of any natural phenomenon
  • TELEOLOGY is compared to ENTELECHY means:
    •  in Aristotle: the full realization of form-giving cause or energeia as contrasted with mere potential existence
    • the form that actuates this realization
    • in modern philosophy : something that contains or realizes an end or final cause
    • in modern philosophy : a supposititious immanent but immaterial agency held by some vitalists to regulate or direct the vital processes (called pRaaAN in veD) of an organism especially toward the achievement of maturity.
  • ENTELECHY is compared to ELAN VITAL called pRaaAN in veD) : the vital force or impulse of life  specifically : the creative principle and fundamental reality held by Bergson to be immanent in all organisms and responsible for evolution.

Therapeutically Alder's methods avoided the concentration on adult psyche by attempting to pre-empt the problems in the child by encouraging and promoting social interest and but avoiding pampering and neglect. In adults the therapy relied on the exclusion of blame or a superior attitude by the practitioner, the reduction of resistance by raising awareness of individual behaviour and the refusal to become adversarial. Common therapeutic tools included the use of humour, historical instances and paradoxical injunctions.

(Above extracts from Wikipedia & web site: Alfred Adler Institute of San Francisco  and Webster's Third International Dictionary and ENCARTA)

Biographical Sketch of Alfred Adler

[adler photograph]

Alfred Adler was born in Vienna, Austria on February 7, 1870. During the early decades of this century he originated the ideas which, to a large extent, have been incorporated in the mainstream of present-day theory and practice of psychology and psychopathology.

The second of six children, Adler spent his childhood in the suburbs of Vienna. He remembered that when he was about 5 years old, gravely ill with pneumonia, the physician told his father that he doubted the child would recover. It was at that time that Alfred decided he wanted to become a doctor so that he might be able to fight deadly diseases. He never changed his mind, and in 1895 he acquired his M.D. degree at the University of Vienna.

He was very close to his father and remembered his repeatedly saying to him during their walks through the Vienna woods, "Alfred, do not believe anything." When one realizes how in later life Adler always challenged statements unless he felt they could be accepted without reasonable doubt, his vivid recollection of this somewhat unusual admonition of his father is understandable. Another childhood recollection that stood out in his memory, and which he liked to tell to children having difficulty with their school work, recalled an occasion when a teacher had suggested that his father take Alfred out of school and apprentice him to a cobbler, since he never would graduate anyway. His father only scoffed at the teacher and expressed his disapproval of him to his son. At the time Alfred, having lost interest in school, had failed in mathematics. He now decided to show the teacher what he could do: in a short time he became first in his class in mathematics and never again experienced any difficulties in his studies.

In 1898, at age 28, Adler wrote his first book, which deals with the health conditions of tailors. In it he sets forth what later was to become one of the main tenets of his school of thought: the necessity of looking at man as a whole, as a functioning entity, reacting to his environment as well as to his physical endowment, rather than as a summation of instincts, drives and other psychologic manifestations.

In 1902, when Adler was one of the few who reacted favorably to his book on dream interpretations, Freud sent him a hand-written postcard suggesting he join the circle which met weekly in Freud's home to discuss newer aspects of psychopathology. At that time Adler had already started collecting material on patients with physical handicaps, studying both their organic and psychologic reactions to them. Only when Freud had assured him that in his circle a variety of views, including Adler's, would be discussed did Adler accept the invitation.

Five years later, in 1907, Adler published his book on organ inferiority and its compensation. From then on, the difference between Freud's and Adler's views became steadily more marked. Adler had never accepted Freud's original theories that mental difficulties were caused exclusively by a sexual trauma, and he opposed the generalizations when dreams were interpreted, in each instance, as sexual wish fulfillment. After prolonged discussions, during which each of the two men tried to win the other over to his point of view--attempts doomed to failure from the start-- Adler left Freud's circle in 1911 with a group of eight colleagues and formed his own school. After that, Freud and Adler never met again.

In 1912 Adler published his book, The Neurotic Constitution, in which he further developed his main concepts. He called his psychologic system "Individual Psychology," a term which is sometimes misunderstood. It refers to the indivisibility of the personality in its psychologic structure. His next book, Understanding Human Nature, which comprises lectures given at the Viennese Institute for Adult Education, is still on the required-reading list of some American high schools.

After returning from war duty in 1918, Adler founded several child guidance clinics in Vienna. These were soon visited by professionals from abroad, stimulating the development of similar clinics in other countries.

In 1926 Adler was invited to lecture at Columbia University, and from 1932 on he held the first chair of Visiting Professor of Medical Psychology at Long Island College of Medicine. During these and the following years he spent only the summer months, from May to October, in Vienna, and the academic year lecturing in the States. His family joined him there in 1935.

Adler's lectures were overcrowded from the beginning, and he communicated as easily with his audiences in English as he did when using his native German tongue. He was in Aberdeen, Scotland, to deliver a series of lectures at the University when, on May 28, 1937, he suddenly collapsed while walking in the street and died from heart failure within a few minutes.

From web site: Alfred Adler Institute of San Francisco

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