DAY 21: GUJARAT QUAKE: AFFECTS INDIA TOP EXPORTER OF FINISHED DIAMONDS Posted by Vishva News Reporter on February 15, 2001 |
QUAKE AFFECTS DIAMOND TRADE OF TOP EXPORTER THE INDIA: 80 percent of cutting and polishing of diamonds in India is done in Gujarat. This trade has virtually shut down since January 26th big one. India is world top diamond exporter with 55 percent share in value and 80 percent share in volume of the world market. The annual export value is about US$6.8 billion.
NOW IT IS 20,000 CRORE RUPEES FOR REBUILDING GUJARAT: Gujarat Chief Minister Keshubhai Patel has requested 20,000 crore rupees to factor in projects for draught relief along with reconstruction to be done for the quake effects.
FREE FOOD GRAINS FOR QUAKE VICTIMS: Gujarat government is giving each quake vicitim 20 kg of wheat and 5 kg of rice free of charge every month from February 17 to March 31, 2001.
CIVIL ENGINEERS IN AHMEDABAD SUSPENDED: Ahmedabad Muncipal Corporation has suspended licenses of 90 civil engineers for malpractices which resulted in the heavy building damages in Bhuj quake.
ONLY CASH AID NEEDED: Gujarat government has announced that after Friday, Februrary 16, 2001 quake aid of food, water and other daily life support supplies will not be accepted. Only cash donations for reconstruction and rehabilitation will be accepted and can be contributed to GUJARAT CHIEF MINISTERS RELIEF FUND.
QUAKE HIT CHILDREN AND AND THEIR WORLD: Upto 5 million children affected. 1.5 to 2.5 million children lost family members. 15,000 primary shcools of a total of 30,000 damaged or destroyed.
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