Posted by Vishva News Reporter on December 24, 2003


 In veDik texts such as puraaANo and itihaas is explained the SCIENCES OF CREATION AND LIFE. veD explains for the understanding of the humanity in the current veDik time era called kli-yug that the ONE CREATOR manifests in infinite naam (name) and ruup (forms) to create, sustain and recreate all creations in this universe of ours. This ONE CREATOR  commonly known as GOD also continually creates and recreates all the infinite number of universes that exists beyond the sense and knowledge perception of this humanity on this planet earth.

As per sciences of veD, because of the maayaa-shkti of this CREATOR GOD  all peoples of this humanity is deluded into thinking "I-self" as the creator, sustainer and continuing the progeny of creations....This maayaa-shkti also makes all peoples of this humanity into thinking that each people is different from other peoples in a superior or inferior sense...But then all peoples of the humanity have fundamental belief there is only ONE GOD....Again this duality and its paradox is created by the twin aavrAN-shkti and viKSHaep-shkti of maayaa-shkti...

Tomorrow, on December 25, 2003, about a  billion or so people who call themselves Christians will be celebrating the birth of JESUS CHRIST who is the founder of religion called Christianity....But then all these billion Christians are still affected by the maayaa-shkti of a CREATOR GOD as noted above and the proof of this effect is in all the recorded inter-Christian and intra-Christian quarrels resulting in 2000 years of wars, suffering and pain among the entire humanity of this planet earth....(preceding knowledge shared by SRii chmpklaal Daajibhaai miisTRii of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada)...

Read an interesting research on the background of Jesus Christ and Christianity from National Glob and Mail Newspaper in can read this article directly on the newspaper's web site by clicking on the preceding red hilite or click on the next line to read  a copy of the article on this PVAF web site as part of sharing KNOWLEDGE OF veD = SCIENCES OF CREATION AND LIFE at PVAF.....And TO MAKE TOMORROW HAPPIER WITH UNDERSTANDING THROUGH PURE KNOWLEDGE of this maayaa-shkti of ONE CREATOR  commonly known as GOD......

"Fifth-century Celtic spiritualism had the notion of ''thin places'' where two levels of reality met -- the domain of everyday life and that of the sacred and the spiritual. Christmas survives into the 21st century as a thin place where people attempt to step out of the stress and nastiness of everyday life and show love and charity and know peace. It is a nice time of year, a nice holiday. As one writer has put it: "Christmas is Christianity's most conspicuous ambassador to the secular world".


A Merry
Mithras (Sun-God's Birthday)
  to all?

In Canada: Mixing a profound religious holiday with a consumer orgy is wrong.
 Let's abolish state religious holidays and admit Jesus was probably born in May,
says MICHAEL VALPY. Mithras is the one with dibs on Dec. 25

Globe and Mail: Wednesday, December 24, 2003 - Page A19

Fifth-century Celtic spiritualism had the notion of "thin places" where two levels of reality met -- the domain of everyday life and that of the sacred and the spiritual.

Christmas survives into the 21st century as a thin place where people attempt to step out of the stress and nastiness of everyday life and show love and charity and know peace. It is a nice time of year, a nice holiday. As one writer has put it, Christmas is Christianity's most conspicuous ambassador to the secular world.

It also is showing up annually in pluralistic North America and Europe dragging evermore unpleasant, fractious baggage like the chains of Marley's Ghost.

This year, to illustrate, a U.S. federal courtroom has been a battleground for New York City's decision to ban Christian nativity scenes in its 1,200 public schools. The court has said there's nothing wrong with displaying religious symbols so long as they don't promote a given religion -- which the nativity scenes do by presenting the birth of Jesus as the son of God. In other parts of America there are school boards stirring maelstroms of outrage by prohibiting calendars with the words "Christmas holiday."

There is the Alliance Defense Fund, an Arizona-based Christian legal group, that has signed up 700 lawyers nationwide "to combat senseless and reoccurring annual attempts to censor Christmas" in schools and other public institutions.

Meanwhile, the British Red Cross this year prohibited religious Christmas decorations in its 300 charity shops, and British civil-rights lawyers are warning that, under new equity legislation, employers could be charged with discrimination by their non-Christian employees if they order the traditional Christmas holiday shut-down of business and compel their workers to take leave.

Here in Canada, with major retailers such as IKEA and the Hudson's Bay Co. for the first time marketing end-of-Ramadan sales, Muslim Canadians are publicly asking why the festival of Eid el-Kebir, which ends the Ramadan month of fasting, shouldn't be declared a public holiday alongside Christmas -- something recommended a few days ago (along with a holiday for the Jewish Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur) by a presidential commission in France.

The Muslim Canadians are on the right track. Although, in a country like Canada, adding everyone's religious rites to the holiday list would turn into a nightmare; the idea is to wipe the slate clean. It is a safe bet that, within a few years, Canada won't have religious public holidays in Canada, and that Section 93 of the Constitution Act of 1867 (permitting Roman Catholic public schools) will be gone.

And yet there are certain shared rituals which sociologists speak of as being necessary for a society's "ontological security," and Christmas remains among the greatest of them -- along with the inspiration of some of Western culture's most magnificent music and moral and sacred narratives.

But circumstances change. Public Christian Christmas in Canada has outgrown itself. It not only doesn't fit with contemporary secularism and multicultural pluralism, its story also belongs to a fading Christian paradigm. What Christmas celebrates, as The New York Times said recently, is the North American consumer economy. Non-Christians find its official holiday status meaningless (a Jewish colleague takes his family bowling) if not offensive. And likely most Canadians who label themselves Christians don't believe what it commemorates: the biblical New Testament's account of the birth of a baby in a stable by a virgin mother impregnated by God and announced by angels.

The University of Oregon's Marcus Borg, possibly today's most outstanding Western Christian thinker, writes in his new book, The Heart of Christianity , that, in the emerging paradigm of mainstream Christian theology, the Bible is no longer seen as a divine product with divine authority, but as a human response to God. In this emerging paradigm, the Bible is no longer literal-factual but historical, written for two ancient cultures: historical Judaism and 2,000-year-old Christianity. And it should be interpreted in that context. Prof. Borg writes that the Bible's function in the emerging Christian paradigm is metaphorical and sacramental -- an experience of closeness to God -- rather than a revelation of doctrine and morals. Thus the emphasis in Christian life is changing from the notion of rewards in the afterlife -- as a result of faith in the New Testament's literal narrative -- to transformation in this life through an inner spiritual relationship with God.

Which makes Christmas, as a metaphorical and sacramental thin place for Christians, increasingly a meditation on the present. Christians turn up in great numbers at Christmas church services not simply out of sentiment or nostalgia but because the metaphor, the powerful symbolism, of the Christmas story -- the light in the darkness -- touches them at a very deep level.

Mixing it up with a lionization of the consumer economy is a big pain. Wringing all the spiritual content out of it as the only acceptable means of allowing it to be put on public display is a major annoyance. Christmas is not Frosty the Snowman wishing everyone a desiccated "Happy Holiday" while they shop 'til they drop. We are bruising a significant event, Christmas, because it is a public holiday. It doesn't have to be.

Christmas does not have to be an irritant to non-Christians. Nor does it have to be Christianity's conspicuous ambassador to the secular world, which does not at all help make it a contemplative thin place.

Suppose we were to change its public-holiday status? The ingredients of depriving it its status might work like this: Allow four or five years of increasingly heated, ill-humoured dispute about Christmas and Easter alone having public-holiday status as religious festivals. Allow Christians to get more irritated about Christmas having all religious significance whacked out of it. Get a few MPs to introduce private member's bills to abolish statutory religious holidays; they'll be unsuccessful but will get media attention, and with luck a supportive editorial or two.

Then get someone to go to court, claiming that the federal government's declaration of Christmas and Easter as statutory holidays violates Section 15 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms: "Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination, and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion . . ." When the Supreme Court of Canada eventually rules that Christian-only religious public holidays are a Section 15 violation, most of those who find the decision upsetting will be dead.

Parliament then will amend the three federal statutes that designate Christmas and Easter as statutory holidays.

If MPs are imaginative, we'll get something solstice-ish as a replacement. This, of course, is what there was before, when Dec. 25 marked the birth of the sun god Mithras, natalis solis invicti , before the Christian church took it over around the year 336 for Jesus's birthday. (For Christianity's first three centuries, there was a huge debate in the church about celebrating birthdays; some called the custom pagan.)

If MPs are unimaginative, we'll get something called "Late December Holiday."

We'll also figure out some way of giving every Canadian worker one annual religious holiday of her or his choice (May 20 could be a contender, which St. Clement of Alexandria believed was the real date of Christmas).

Then we will all relax. And Christians will no longer feel embarrassed about wishing people Merry Christmas -- because Christmas will belong to them again.

Michael Valpy reports on religion and ethics for The Globe and Mail

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