Posted by Vishva News Reporter on September 26, 2004

 Scientists Confirm Benefits of
 Against Leukemia, Alzheimer's & Other Diseases

From Hinduism Today: LONDON, ENGLAND, September 10, 2004:

The growing popularity of Indian food is evident from the increasing number of Indian restaurants opening up across the UK. But it is not merely the lure of the palate that ensures the success of the cuisine, now health benefits will add to the charm of a well-cooked dish.

Scientists have found that spicy food could protect the body against damage that leads to cancers, in particular leukemia. Most children in India grow up with the knowledge of the benefits of tumeric, but on Thursday, a childhood leukemia conference in London was told that the root that gives yellow color to Indian dishes is an antioxidant which can protect against environmental chemicals that damage DNA.

Scientists now increasingly believe that lower rates of leukemia in Asia may be due to the difference in diet.

 Tumeric is also said to slow the rate of diseases such as Alzheimer's and to possess anti-inflammatory properties that could help with Crohn's Disease.

Speaking at the conference, Professor Moolky Nagabhushan, of Loyola University Medical Centre in Chicago, said tumeric blocks some of the harmful effects of cigarette smoke, protects against chromosome damage and prevents dangerous chemicals forming after eating processed food.

It has been seen that curcumin, the compound that gives tumeric its yellow color, stops leukemia cells multiplying.

He said: "Our studies show that tumeric - and curcumin - in the diet mitigate the effects of some of these risk factors." Ken Campbell, of the Leukaemia Research Fund, said leukemia was rare in people of Asian descent. He said: "This suggests that lower rates of childhood leukemia in India, China and Japan may, at least in part, be due to differences in genetically determined susceptibility."

Please click on the next line to learn more about tumeric...a must in your diet to provide the aayuARveDik benifits of maintaining a healthy lifestyle......

  • Tumeric is a yellow spice used extensively in Indian cooking. Curcumin, an extract of tumeric, has been found to be beneficial for neurodegenerative diseases including Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis  (EAE) an animal model of multiple sclerosis (click on TUMERIC for more information)
  • TUMERIC AS ANTIOXIDANT: In the bright yellow pigment of Turmeric are curcuminoids which are antioxidants with the property of scavenging the free radical nitric oxide. The action of Turmeric, it is suggested is not only in blocking nitric oxide directly but also the enzyme that produces it. Curcuminoids also appear to have a role in attacking invading micro-organisms.  (click on TUMERIC for more information)
  • Tumeric is showing promise in many areas ranging from anti oxidant activity, to anti cancer properties, lowering cholesterol, protection of the cardiovascular system and HIV. Doing a search on Medline shows positive research results on various forms of cancer from oral to colon and breast cancers.

    uses widely range from anemia, arthritis, blood purification, digestive disorders, skin disorders and inflammatory conditions.

    Actions And Properties:
    • Alterative
    • Anti-biotic
    • Anthelminitic
    • Anti-Oxidant
    • Carminative
    • Stimulant
    • Vulnerary
    • Ayurvedic: Astringent, bitter, pungent.

    (click on TUMERIC HEALTHY HERB for more information)

  • Tumeric is a yellow or saffron coloring material prepared form the roots of the East Indian perennial herb, Curcuma longa, and used in dyeing and as a coloring material for certain marbles.
  • Cystic Fibrosis - Spicing Up Treatment: Tumeric is a spice that is used commonly in cooking, for example, in curries. In a mouse model of cystic fibrosis , tumeric appears to have dramatically beneficial effects on lung disease and longevity. Many of our therapeutic drugs are derived from plant sources, so it would not be surprising if a component of tumeric turns out to be effective in patients with cystic fibrosis. If not, the study reported here may lead to a new line of research that could result in the design of an effective drug. (Jay W. Marks M.D., Medical and Pharmacy Editor, MedicineNet.com)


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