veD OF vARAN SYSTEM:....MORE EXPLANATIONS OF THE CURRENT vARAN SYSTEM EXPERIENCES ....?????....!!!!! ....DOES IT WORK...?????.... Posted by Champaklal Dajibhai Mistry on November 21, 2004 |
"We are all
individual atman
and as someone who follows advaita vedanta,
I believe that each atman is part of Brahman.
Therefore, we as Hindus must treat all people
equally and decently
regardless of what their social position
is in today's corrupt world.
We must understand
the true meaning of the word
when we tell others "Namaste."
We shall surely bow to the Divine in others."
(extracted from the today's news posting)
bRaaHmAN, KSHTRiy, vaeeSH`y and suDRR
(the order of naming as ordained in veD)
4-vARAN |
Starting November 6, 2004, PVAF published news
items about the basic essence of vARAN system
created by grandfather creator pRjaapti bRH`maa in this universe we live in and
current understanding and conundrum of peoples living their
veDik lifestyle around the world by the
DHARm of vARAN system......
Today PVAF continues to publish further commentaries
on vARAN system based on the knowledge from
various veD texts and real life
One of the veDik recommendation
while reading any these commentary is for YOU to factor in the ordained
effect of kli-yug on all creations as
explained in yesterday's article and many other veD
articles on this PVAF web site...This
will help to remove many a questions in YOUR mind about the ambiguity of
the practice of vARAN-DHARm in the
present veDik time era we live in
called kli-yug...
The disintegration and corruption of vARAN
system is due to mankind unable to live by the rules and regulations
of DHARm to make
vARAN system functional for the
benefit and welfare of mankind on their eternal path of life-time journeys to
achieve moKSH........the ultimate
purpose of all YOUR life-time travels to date and to the rest of YOUR
time in eternity.....
moKSH state is where YOU as
your aat`maa (soul) will experience
pure suKH (bliss) in the form of
aanND even being embodied with any
body and form YOU may wish to take to perform
DHaaARmik kARm as per the wish of
creator bRH`m....
Please click on the next line to read more commentaries of the present day
experiences of vARAN system which has been published
directly as posted on the web site
Varna System
the current caste system
Posted on
HINDU UNIVERSE by ekrishna on 02/12/00
For refreshing your memory of the
previous learnings from PVAF postings on this topic please click on the
And now continue reading more
commentary of present day experience of vARAN
12/21/03 11:06 PM Edit Reply Quote by Shaivite:
Excellent article here, Dr. Krishna and I completely agree.
I am not sure what the solutions are to further fixing the current corrupt
caste system problem, however. I am also unsure how to bring back the true
varna system.
However, I do acknowledge that the varna system as described in the
Gita was important and is important to have today as well.
People need to have the abilities to pursue whatever potentials they have.
It should definitely not be the hierarchial system that it is today.
I think the best and easiest thing that we all can do as Hindus is to speak
out against the corrupted caste system and treat all people equally regardless
of social status in society.
We are all individual atman and as someone who
follows advaita vedanta, I believe that
each atman is part of Brahman. Therefore, we as Hindus must treat
all people equally and decently regardless of what their social position is in
today's corrupt world.
We must understand the true meaning of the word
when we tell others "Namaste." We shall surely bow to the Divine in
Namaskaar. ~Shaivite~
Love all and serve all. Surrender to the Divine.
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." --Mahatma Gandhi
"Love moves the world." --His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
aum namaH shivAya
#37284 - 12/22/03 08:46 AM Edit Reply Quote from
Americanhindu guru:
You see, people IN INDIA have to take back their religion and how LORD KRSNA
had explained to ARJUN in GITA in original meaning of VARNA system.
That DIVINE message of LORD KRSNA still holds eternal truth about all societal
occupational or functioning at different levels.
This is where your govt has to start her work to unite Hindus first.
The greatest harm would not have happenned if there was no invasions starting
from 250BC.
But now it is of no use in going back and all blame is just a waste of time.
Could you please gather some occupational or vocational choices that are
available under each categories now and post them separately as a different
post or continue here?
I don't know exactly what jobs are usually taken by BRAHMINS, KSHATRIYA, VYSYA
and SUDRA categories now.
Dalits should be included under SUDRAS or any category now, depending on what
positions or jobs that they take..all janitors in USA may fall under SUdDRAS
only, if I got that right by definition now.
Here are some of the vocations that we have in USA!
Let me know where these will fall under now for our discussions here.
Based upon interests, there are fields of work in all societies, I believe to
certain extent.
Now do you have people who are
1) artistic? who can design or communicate non-verbally thru arts and
2) scientific? who can create notes or manuals on how things work? or
actually manufacture physical, medical science or biological science related
things that are being used in lab or in applied tech. workshop settings?
3) How about plant botanists or animal zooligists? who can be employed in
agricultural or animal husbandry, care or trg, etc., ARAy Milk products in
Mumbai employees a lot of people that I had seen a long time ago. Is it
still there?
Don't forget the forest preservation or forestry dept.
4) Police officers and fire fighters..as in Homeland security now. you need
specific ed and trg on safety and law enforcement. they fall under Kshatriya
varna as in protective services, if I am right!
5) How about mechanics, mechanical engineers, etc?
service and repair work falls under Sudras only. They repair using high tech
knowledge; construction and or transportation requirements of all people are
also in need of people who are specialized in mechanics and technology.
6) Industrial workers in auto manufactureing, machine tools, printing, or
production of goods and tool designs, etc.
7) HOw about these people in vysya varna category?
The stock brokers, sales people, banking, detail oriented computer service
sales, etc, Do you sell insurance and food products in India like in a
grocery store?
Selling of any kind of goods and services again comes under vysya only.even
prostitution is a sales here w services to those who need such people.
Retail, wholesale, real estate sales, automotive sales, securities sales,
etc all come under your vysya category only.
8) How about hotel/motel industry?
where all services are like room and board, lodging, food, personnel etc all
directed to serving tourists or passengers who may visit your town!
9) Health care workers, like "AYAHS" or CNA as we call them here (CERTIFIED
NURSING ASSISTANTS), nurses, doctors, para professionals in health and
education fields are all included in service category. UN humanitarian
service workers also fall under this category of sudras too!
10)Here a professor or a person like an educator or a teacher is considered
to be Brahmins, mainly because they teach or explain or interpret things for
all people by explanations. In other words, they are the ones who give out
technical details in all fields. lawyers are another example of research and
devt personnel, as they are involved in writing up new legislation and
interpreting them as needs to be.
11) Leading and influencing or bossing around people will be those leaders,
who fall under Kshatriya or administrative category. Again, like in all
categories these skilled people have to have specific training or ed in all
fields, whereever there are bosses~education, social, health sciences, and
general administration. you have what you call the "secretariat w al local
govt depts" which is similar to what we have here in USA.
12) I almost forgot about dancers, musicians, and other entertainment
industry..the artists are all sudras only..
the play writers or lyric writers are Brahmins, while the porducers,
directors etc are kshatriyas, advertisement dept is sales or vysya in movie
industry, while the artists and actors, actresses or supporting people are
all sudras only.
more later..to explain our great VARNA system!
I got to go wash my clothes now..I am a home made dalit which comes under
sudra just for now! But my main interests are mostly families and kids.
Happy Holidays to you all! Happy 2004!
Don't forget to VOTE for Dr.DEAN, md as president of USA in 2004!
Thank you eKrsna!
may LORD SHIVA and PARVATI bless you all today!
I love hinduism the best.
MAY Almighty BRAHMAN bless you all every day!
There are 1 additional comments. #1 Posted by Bhavesh on 11/27/2004 |
Dear Sir, I am Request For you Sir, Hi how are you Hulagan karva Mangu chu Pleas koi Chokreey Hoy To Photo Mokal jo A E-mail Address Pear ok Ane Biju janvanu ke Hupan Hindu Prajapati Chu ok Bay .
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