(shared by SRii Champaklal Dajibhai Mistry
from his veD library)
veD in
sNskRUt language this world we live in is created by the
sMyog of
purush and pRkRUti...purush
is the aat`maa (soul) that everything
created from the 24 tt`v of
pRkRUti has from a grain of sand to a
rock to a planet to a solar system to a galaxy and all living beings from a
microbe to animals to plants to human beings... all of these creations has
infinite variety of ruup (bodies) and
naam (names).
All the creations are created, sustained and cyclically and eternally
recreated in an operating system of universal laws called
DHARm, RUt and
st`y....These three entities provides a ordered, disciplined and
harmonious environment for all creations to co-exist without harming each other
in kARm of words, thoughts and actual of physical actions.....
Natural or man-made calamities, disasters, diseases and other happenings in
life which cause DuKH (pain and
suffering) in all creations is normally the result of
kaamnaa (wish and desire) of any kind that is not
fulfilled....Fulfillment of kaamnaa
results in suKH (joy and happiness) in all
creations.....This is explained in Chapter 2 (s`lok
2.59 to 2.67) of bhgvD giitaa....And
this operation principle of sukH and
DuKH applies to all creations as
after all each creation has an eternal aat`maa
which keeps on traveling by taking on physical bodies to enjoy
kARm-fl of all
kARm performed in previous lives and/or to comply with the
st`y-kaamnaa and
st`y-sNkl`pnaa of
creator bRH`m to be many and also
His st`y-kaamnaa and
st`y-sNkl`pnaa to be
bhok`t (enjoyer) and
bhuk`t (that which is enjoyed by the enjoyer)...
But the above is very difficult to understand in this present time era we
live in and which in veD is called
kli-yug the knowledge of veD
is very minimal in all creations including human beings as stated in the
beginning of Chapter 4 of bhgvD giitaa....And
if one does not understand the sciences of one's creation and being then that
ignorance will make living disastrous and full of
However, humans in the western civilizations are trying to re-discover
science knowledge of veD in their own
way for the last 500 years.....Current science is trying to really understand
the earthquake phenomenon but to date more questions come up with the increasing
understanding and the proof of ignorance is of veD
experienced ... PVAF invites YOU to
share your thoughts on the science of earthquake from both
veD and current science perspectives as
briefly explained above...To share your thoughts on this
PVAF web site please click on the
POST A COMMENT button in the header of this
news item and write away......
And while you are doing that, please keep on reading the explanation of the
India-Burma tsunami which is causing massive DuKH
among the humanity it has taken out its energy on from Canadian
Globe and Mail
A split-second release after millions of years...
'All the planet is vibrating,' Italian scientist says
after massive quake
unleashes fury...
With reports from AP and Reuters
Globe and Mail:
Monday, December 27, 2004 - Page A3
If you imagine a tsunami to be merely a scaled-up version of the waves that
extreme surfers ride at spots like Hawaii's Banzai Pipeline or the infamous
Maverick's in California, think again. A tsunami can cross the ocean faster than
a jet aircraft, and hit land with a force that makes an atomic bomb look like a
"The amount of energy is hard for most people to even imagine," said Will Bawden,
a professor in the University of Toronto's Geology Department. "It is simply
As scientists have learned, tsunamis such the one that killed thousands in Asia
are the result of geological forces that slowly gather in the Earth's crust over
millions of years, only to be released in a split second -- with deadly effect.
Yesterday's disaster began when huge plates suddenly shifted under the sea floor
off Sumatra, creating a situation that could be compared to a massive wave pond.
David Booth, a seismologist at the British Geological Survey, described the
effect of the cataclysm as "an enormous paddle at the bottom of the sea."
He said the forces involved were almost incalculable. "A big column of water has
moved -- we're talking about billions of tonnes. This is an enormous
Tsunamis obey an inexorable set of physical laws.
When the ocean floor is moved by an earthquake or volcanic eruption, it
generates a massive energy spike that pushes water upward.
The resulting swell, which can be hundreds of kilometres across, has little in
common with normal ocean waves, which are generated by wind and tides.
The near-instantaneous movement creates a body of water that can travel at
speeds approaching 1,000 kilometres an hour.
A tsunami is usually just one or two metres high in the open sea, but it
undergoes a startling transformation as it approaches shore.
Since the water's volume remains the same as it meets shallower water, it is
pushed upward -- creating a looming wall of water that can be taller than an
eight-storey building.
The tsunami's physics are far different from the normal beach waves vacationers
see. Instead of a series of rollers that crash onto the shore, tsunami waves are
far apart -- a characteristic known as long wavelength. Because they lose energy
at a rate inversely related to wavelength, tsunamis can travel tremendous
distances without losing power. In 1960, a tsunami generated by an earthquake in
Chile travelled more than 17,000 kilometres across the Pacific and caused 200
deaths in Japan, half a world away.
A wave's power is determined largely by the force of the geological event that
sets it in motion. The underwater earthquake that caused yesterday's tsunami was
measured by the U.S. Geological Survey at a magnitude of 9.0, the biggest since
1964, when a 9.2-magnitude temblor struck Alaska.
Enzo Boschi, the head of Italy's National Geophysics Institute, said the power
of the earthquake was equivalent to more than one million atomic bombs of the
size dropped on Japan in the Second World War -- powerful enough to disturb the
Earth's rotation.
"All the planet is vibrating," he told Italian state radio.
The forces released in an earthquake are the result of the kind of stored energy
used in a medieval catapult, where heavy weights were slowly winched up onto a
platform, then released, but on a much larger scale. In this case, the weights
are tectonic plates, which are trapped against each other, then suddenly slip.
Prof. Bawden said many quakes are the result of movements that may amount to
less than a metre, but because of the masses involved, the forces are
Scientists said yesterday's quake was caused by strain built up over millions of
years between the India and Burma plates beneath the ocean off the west coast of
northern Sumatra. They estimate that the plates have moved against each other at
a rate of about five centimetres a year, buckling and grinding with the release
of colossal forces. Preliminary analysis suggested that yesterday's movement
took place in a section of plate about 1,000 kilometres long, which pushed a
huge amount of water at high speed. "Billions of tonnes are moving," Prof.
Bawden said. "There's an incredible amount of energy."
The power of yesterday's tsunami was compounded by a lack of warning. Although
many countries around the Pacific have a tsunami warning system, the Indian
Ocean has always been considered a low- risk area, and most of the countries hit
yesterday did not have warning mechanisms or tidal gauges.
Waverly Person of the USGS National Earthquake Information Center said that many
of those who died would have survived had they been warned to get away from the
coast. U.S.-based scientists tried to issue a warning yesterday morning, but
there was no official alert system in the region.
References to tsunamis date back as far as ancient Greece and Rome. Among the
more recent examples was a wave that shook the eastern Mediterranean on July 21,
365, killing thousands of people in Alexandria, Egypt. Other examples include:
- July 17, 1998: An offshore quake triggered a wave that struck the north coast of
Papua-New Guinea, killing about 2,000 people and leaving thousands homeless.
- Aug. 16, 1976: A tsunami killed more than 5,000 in the Moro Gulf region of the
- March 28, 1964: A Good Friday earthquake sent a wave that swamped much of the
Alaskan coast and destroyed three villages. The wave killed 107 in Alaska and
more than a dozen more as it swept down the West Coast.
- May 22, 1960: A wave reported as being up to 11 metres high killed 1,000 people
in Chile and caused damage in Hawaii, where 61 died, and in the Philippines,
Okinawa and Japan.
- April 1, 1946: A quake in Alaska generated a tsunami that destroyed the North
Cape Lighthouse, killing five. Hours later, the wave arrived at Hilo, Hawaii,
killing 159 people and causing millions of dollars in damage.
- Jan. 31, 1906: A devastating offshore quake submerged part of Tumaco, Colombia,
and washed away every house on the coast between Rioverde, Ecuador, and Micay,
Colombia. The death toll was estimated at 500 to 1,500.
- Dec. 17, 1896: A tsunami washed away part of the embankment and main boulevard
of Santa Barbara, Calif.
- June 15, 1896: The Sanriku tsunami struck Japan without warning. A wave
estimated at more than 23 metres high hit a crowd gathered to celebrate a
religious festival, killing more than 26,000.
- Aug. 27, 1883: The eruption of the volcano Krakatau generated a massive wave
that swept over the shores of nearby Java and Sumatra, killing 36,000.
- Nov. 1, 1775: The great Lisbon earthquake generated a wave up to six metres high
that struck coastal Portugal, Spain and Morocco.
Associated Press